Preface | |
Introduction | |
The Problem Defined | |
A Brief History of Smooth Tests | |
Monograph Outline | |
Examples | |
Pearson's X2 Test | |
Introduction | |
Foundations | |
The Pearson X2 Test - an Update | |
X2 Tests of Composite Hypotheses | |
Examples | |
Asymptotically Optimal Tests | |
Introduction | |
The Likelihood Ratio, Wald, and Score Tests for a Simple Null Hypothesis | |
The Likelihood Ratio, Wald and Score Tests for Composite Null Hypotheses | |
Generalized Score Tests | |
Neyman Smooth Tests for Simple Null Hypotheses | |
Neyman's 2 test | |
Neyman Smooth Tests for Uncategorized Simple Null Hypotheses | |
The Choice of Order | |
Examples | |
EDF Tests | |
Categorized Simple Null Hypotheses | |
Smooth Tests for Completely Specified Multinomials | |
X2 Effective Order | |
Components of X2P | |
Examples | |
Class Construction | |
A More Comprehensive Class of Tests | |
Overlapping Cells Tests | |
Neyman Smooth Tests for Uncategorized Composite Null Hypotheses | |
Neyman Smooth Tests for Uncategorized Composite Null Hypotheses | |
Smooth Tests for the Univariate Normal Distribution | |
Smooth Tests for the Exponential Distribution | |
Smooth Tests for Multivariate Normal Distribution | |
Smooth Tests for the Bivariate Poisson Distribution | |
Components of the Rao-Robson X2 Statistic | |
Neyman Smooth Tests for Categorized Composite Null Hypotheses | |
Neyman Smooth Tests for Composite Multinomials | |
Components of the Pearson-Fisher Statistic | |
Composite Overlapping Cells and Cell Focusing X2 Tests | |
A Comparison between the Pearson-Fisher and Rao-Robson X2 Tests | |
Neyman Smooth Tests for Uncategorized Composite Null Hypotheses: Discrete Distributions | |
Neyman Smooth Tests for Discrete Uncategorized Composite Null Hypotheses | |
Smooth and EDF Tests for the Univariate Poisson Distribution | |
Smooth and EDF Tests for the Binomial Distribution | |
Smooth Tests for the Geometric Distribution | |
Construction of Generalized Smooth Tests: Theoretical Contributions | |
Introduction | |
Smooth Test Statistics with Informative Decompositions | |
Generalized Smooth Tests with Informative Decompositions | |
Efficiency | |
Diagnostic Component Tests | |
Smooth Modelling | |
Introduction | |
Model Selection through Hypothesis Testing | |
Model Selection Based on Loss Functions | |
Goodness of Fit Testing after Model Selection | |
Correcting the Barton Density | |
Generalized Smooth Tests for Uncategorized Composite Null Hypotheses | |
Introduction | |
Generalized Smooth Tests for the Logistic Distribution | |
Generalized Smooth Tests for the Laplace Distribution | |
Generalized Smooth Tests for the Extreme Value Distribution | |
Generalized Smooth Tests for the Negative Binomial Distribution | |
Generalized Smooth Tests for the Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution | |
Generalized Smooth Tests for the Generalized Pareto Distribution | |
Orthonormal Polynomials and Recurrence Relations | |
Parametric Bootstrap p-Values | |
Some Details for Particular Distributions | |
References | |
Subject Index | |
Author Index | |
Example Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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