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Social Studies Content for Elementary and Middle School Teachers

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2009-02-13
  • Publisher: Pearson

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This essential overview of elementary social studies content provides teachers with the knowledge they need to teach social studies effectively.

Author Biography

Penelope Fritzer is a former public school teacher who is a Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at the Davie Campus of Florida Atlantic University. She earned her B.A. in History at Connecticut College, a B.A. in Education and an M.A. in English at Florida Atlantic University, and her Ph. D. in English from the University of Miami. She is the author of numerous articles on education and several books, including Math Content for Elementary and Middle School Teachers and Science Content for Elementary and Middle School Teachers, both from Allyn Bacon. Ernest Andrew Brewer is a former public school teacher who is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at the Jupiter Campus of Florida Atlantic University. He earned his B.A. in Elementary Education and his M. Ed. in Elementary Education from the University of Florida, and his Ed. D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Central Florida. His research interests include social studies in the elementary school, civic education, classroom management, character education, bullying, and social studies integration. He is the author of numerous articles on education.

Table of Contents

Preface: A Word to the Readerp. xi
About the Authorsp. xiii
Why Study Social Studies?p. 1
Historyp. 3
Early Humansp. 3
Europep. 4
The Greeksp. 4
The Romansp. 4
The Middle Agesp. 5
The Renaissance and the Reformationp. 7
The Enlightenment Periodp. 9
The Age of Revolution and the Industrial Revolutionp. 12
Asiap. 13
The Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Middle Eastp. 13
Indiap. 15
Chinap. 16
Japanp. 18
Africap. 19
Western Africap. 19
Eastern Africap. 19
Outside Influencesp. 20
The Americasp. 21
Native Americansp. 21
European Explorationp. 23
Colonial Lifep. 26
Revolutionary Warp. 32
The 1800sp. 36
The Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Centuries Around the Worldp. 39
World Warp. 40
World Between the Warsp. 43
World War IIp. 47
Cold Warp. 50
Independence Movementsp. 51
Cultural Changep. 53
History Resourcesp. 58
History Websitesp. 63
Geographyp. 65
Basic Ideasp. 65
Water and Landp. 66
Reading Mapsp. 68
The Physical Movement of the Earth and Its Effectsp. 70
Continentsp. 72
Asiap. 72
Africap. 74
North Americap. 76
South Americap. 79
Antarcticap. 80
Europep. 82
Australiap. 84
Geography Resourcesp. 85
Geography Websitesp. 86
Economicsp. 89
The Basic Premisesp. 89
The History of Economicsp. 90
Government Involvement in Economicsp. 93
Consumer Choices Related to Needs and Wantsp. 96
Entrepreneurs and Wage-Earnersp. 97
Supply and Demandp. 97
Economics Recoursesp. 100
Economics Websitesp. 101
Governmentp. 103
The Purpose of Governmentp. 103
Values of American Democracyp. 105
Constitutional Governmentsp. 105
The U.S. Constitutionp. 106
State and Local Government in the United Statesp. 108
The United States in the Worldp. 110
Resources on Governmentp. 111
Government Websitesp. 112
A Final Wordp. 115
General Resources for the Teacherp. 117
Indexp. 119
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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