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Social Welfare : A History of the American Response to Need

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 6th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-01-01
  • Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
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List Price: $90.20


Social Welfare: A History of the American Response to Need, Sixth Edition describes and analyzes the ideas that have shaped the history of social welfare from the Colonial Period to the present day. Using original documents from each respective period through the current Bush Administration, this classic text examines the history of events and ideas that have shaped American social welfare policy. Coverage of economic developments, the impact of voluntarism, the impact of privatization helps students to understand the context of social welfare movements and policies, while material on trends in the justice system include the immigration debate New To This Edition bull; bull;Updated research on the economy, including government response to need. bull;New document from the Supreme Court discussing the issue of homosexuality and the law. bull;Expanded material on the continuing battle for civil rights. Students, study smarter-not harder-with these grade-boosting supplements from Allyn & Bacon! Instructors, give your students the extraordinary benefits of these study aids by ordering them packaged with this Allyn & Bacon text. Contact your Allyn & Bacon representative for ordering information. The Career Center Do you need help transitioning from being a student to becoming a professional? With The Career Center, you can register to receive eight 30-minute career counseling sessions-a total of four hours of career consultant time! Qualified career specialists will help you establish, or reestablish, yourself in today's competitive global economy. Access to The Career Center-a $25 value-is FREE when packaged with any new Social Work text. You can also purchase access by calling 1-800-435-4164, Sunday through Thursday, 5 pm to 12 am. Visit www.ablongman.com/careercenter for more information.

Table of Contents

An Act for the Relief of the Poor, 43 Elizabeth, 1601
The Colonial Period: 1647-1776
The Poor Laws in the Colonies
Conquest, Expansion, and Population Growth: Native Americans
Immigration, and Slavery
Challenge to the Poor Laws
Veterans: A Special Class
The Colonial Period
An Act of Supplement to the Acts Referring to the Poor
Massachusetts Bay, 1692
The Binding of Moses Love, 1747
The Pre-Civil War Period: 1777-1860
Labor and Economic Security
The Reform Movements
Institutions, Almshouses, and Paupers
Child Saving
Retreat from the Almshouse
The Pre-Civil War Period
First Annual Report, Society for the Prevention of Pauperism
In the City of New York, 1818
Constitution and By-Laws, Female Orphan Asylum of Portland
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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