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Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2021-07-15
  • Publisher: McGraw Hill
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Table of Contents



1 Geotechnical Engineering
  1.1 Introduction
  1.2 Soils and Other Engineering Materials
  1.3 Geotechnical Applications
  1.4 Standards, Measurements, and Significant Digits
  1.5 Physical and Numerical Modeling
  1.6 Geotechnical Engineering Literature
  1.7 Workplace Health and Safety and Risk Assessment
  1.8 Factor of Safety
  1.9 Professional Registration and Continuing Professional Development

Part 1 Fundamentals

 2 Phase Relations
  2.1 Introduction
  2.2 Phase Diagram and Definitions
  2.3 Phase Diagram for Vs = 1
  2.4 Laboratory Measurements
  2.5 Main Points
  Review Exercises

3 Soil Classification
  3.1 Introduction
  3.2 Origin of Soils
  3.3 Grain Size Distribution
  3.4 Atterberg Limits
  3.5 Unified Soil Classification System
  3.6 AASHTO Soil Classification System
  3.7 Visual Classification and Description
  3.8 Clay Mineralogy
  3.9 Main Points
  Review Exercises

4 Compaction
  4.1 Introduction
  4.2 Ground Improvement Techniques
  4.3 Compaction Curve
  4.4 Laboratory Compaction
  4.5 Zero Air Void Curve
  4.6 Field Compaction
  4.7 Compaction Specifications and Control
  4.8 California Bearing Ratio
  4.9 Other Ground Improvement Techniques
  4.10 Main Points
  Review Exercises

5 Effective Stresses
  5.1 Introduction
  5.2 Vertical Overburden Stresses
  5.3 Terzaghi’s Effective Stress Principle
  5.4 Capillary Effects in Soils
  5.5 Main Points
  Review Exercises

6 Permeability and Seepage
  6.1 Introduction
  6.2 Bernoulli’s Equation
  6.3 Darcy’s Law
  6.4 Laboratory Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity
  6.5 Field Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity
  6.6 Stresses in Soils due to Flow
  6.7 Equivalent Hydraulic Conductivity of Stratified Soils
  6.8 Flow Nets
  6.9 Design of Granular Filters
  6.10 Seepage through an Embankment on an Impervious Base
  6.11 Method of Fragments
  6.12 Main Points
  Review Exercises

7 Vertical Stresses under Loaded Areas
  7.1 Introduction
  7.2 Vertical Stress Increase due to a Point Load
  7.3 Vertical Stress Increase due to a Line Load
  7.4 Vertical Stress Increase due to a Strip Load
  7.5 Vertical Stress Increase under the Corner of a Rectangular Load
  7.6 2:1 Distribution for a Uniform Rectangular Load
  7.7 Pressure Isobars under Square and Strip Flexible Uniform Loads
  7.8 Vertical Stress Increase under an Embankment Load
  7.9 Vertical Stress Increase beneath the Center of a Uniform Circular Load
  7.10 Newmark’s Chart
  7.11 Main Points
  Review Exercises

8 Consolidation
  8.1 Introduction
  8.2 Fundamentals
  8.3 One-Dimensional Consolidation
  8.4 One-Dimensional Consolidation Test
  8.5 Field Corrections to e vs. log s'v Plot Developed in the Laboratory
  8.6 Determination of Final Consolidation Settlement
  8.7 Preloading
  8.8 Time Rate of Consolidation
  8.9 Secondary Compression
  8.10 A Note on Preloading
  8.11 Main Points
  Review Exercises

9 Shear Strength
  9.1 Introduction
  9.2 Mohr’s Circles—A Review
  9.3 Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion
  9.4 A Simple Loading Scenario and Relevance of Mohr’s Circle
  9.5 Mohr’s Circles and Failure Envelopes in Terms of Total and Effective Stresses
  9.6 Drained and Undrained Loadings
  9.7 Triaxial Test
  9.8 Direct Shear Test
  9.9 Peak, Residual, and Critical States
  9.10 Skempton’s Pore Pressure Coefficients for Undrained Loading
  9.11 Relationship between s1 and s3 at Failure
  9.12 Stress Paths
  9.13 Critical State Soil Mechanics
  9.14 Main Points
  Review Exercises

10 Lateral Earth Pressures
  10.1 Introduction
  10.2 At-Rest State and K0
   10.3 Active and Passive States
  10.4 Rankine’s Earth Pressure Theory
  10.5 Coulomb’s Earth Pressure Theory
  10.6 Lateral Earth Pressures Based on Elastic Analysis
  10.7 Main Points
  Review Exercises

Part 2 Applications

11 Site Investigation
  11.1 Introduction
  11.2 Spacing and Depth of Investigation
  11.3 Boring and Sampling
  11.4 Laboratory versus In Situ Tests
  11.5 In Situ Testing
  11.6 Standard Penetration Test
  11.7 Cone Penetration Test
  11.8 Vane Shear Test
  11.9 Other In Situ Tests
  11.10 Bore Logs
  11.11 Geotechnical Instrumentation
  11.12 Geophysical Methods
  11.13 Main Points
  Review Exercises

12 Shallow Foundations
  12.1 Introduction
  12.2 General, Local, and Punching Shear Failure Modes
  12.3 Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory
  12.4 Gross and Net Pressures
  12.5 The General Bearing Capacity Equation
  12.6 Pressure Distributions beneath Eccentrically Loaded Foundations
  12.7 Raft Foundations
  12.8 Total and Differential Settlements
  12.9 Settlement Computation Based on Elastic Analysis (Drained Soils)
  12.10 Settlement Computations in Granular Soils
  12.11 Settlement Computations in Cohesive Soils
  12.12 Main Points
  Review Exercises

13 Deep Foundations
  13.1 Introduction
  13.2 Pile Materials
  13.3 Pile Installation
  13.4 Shaft and Tip Loads
  13.5 Pile Load Transfer Mechanism
  13.6 Load-Carrying Capacity of a Single Pile
  13.7 Pile Driving
  13.8 Pile Load Test
  13.9 Settlement of a Pile
  13.10 Pile Groups
  13.11 Foundations for Super-Tall Buildings
  13.12 Rock-Socketed Piles
  13.13 Main Points
  Review Exercises

14 Earth Retaining Structures
  14.1 Introduction
  14.2 Retaining Walls
  14.3 Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls
  14.4 Anchored Sheet Piles
  14.5 Braced Excavations
  14.6 Retaining Walls Made of Piles
  14.7 Main Points
  Review Exercises

15 Slope Stability
  15.1 Introduction
  15.2 Factor of Safety
   15.3 Stability of Homogeneous Undrained Clay Slopes
  15.4 Taylor’s Stability Chart for Undrained Clays
  15.5 Taylor’s Stability Chart for c' - f' Soils
  15.6 Cousins’ Stability Chart
  15.7 Michalowski’s (2002) Stability Charts for Slopes Subjected to Pore Water Pressures
  15.8 Method of Slices
  15.9 Infinite Slopes
  15.10 Main Points
  Review Exercises

16 Reliability-Based Design
  16.1 Introduction
  16.2 Capacity-Demand Model
   16.3 Allowable Stress Design
  16.4 Load and Resistance Factor Design
  16.5 A Probabilistic Approach
  16.6 Determination of the Mean and Standard Deviation of Capacity and Demand
  16.7 Main Points
  Review Exercises

A Unsaturated Soil Mechanics

B Vesic’s (1973) Factors for Eq. (12.11)

C Units and Conversions


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