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Sources of The Making of the West, Volume I Peoples and Cultures

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  • Edition: 6th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-09-12
  • Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's

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Sources of The Making of the West helps bring the history of the west to life. Thoroughly revised and designed to be used independently or as a companion reader, this two volume collection parallels the major topics and themes covered in each chapter of The Making of the West. A broad range of source types and themes illuminate historical experience from a diversity of perspectives. Now with a visual source and a comparative source pairing in every chapter, this reader offers instructors even more opportunities to promote classroom discussion of primary documents and to help students develop essential historical thinking skills.

Sources of The Making of the West is FREE when packaged with The Making of the West, Sixth Edition or when packaged with The Making of the West, Achieve Read & Practice. It is included for FREE in the LaunchPad for The Making of the West.

Author Biography

Katharine J. Lualdi (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) is coeditor of Penitence in the Age of Reformations (Ashgate, 2000) and Handbook for Curates: A Late Medieval Manual of Pastoral Care (The Catholic University of America Press, forthcoming). She has also authored numerous articles and book chapters on sixteenth-century French Catholicism. She teaches history and religion at the University of Southern Maine.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 Early Western Civilization, 4000-1000 B.C.E. 
1. Defining Humanity: Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 2000 B.C.E.) 
2. Establishing Law and Justice: King Hammurabi, The Code of Hammurabi (Early Eighteenth Century B.C.E.) 
*3. Praising the One God: Hymn to the Aten (Fourteenth Century B.C.E.)
4. Writing Experiences: Egyptian Scribal Exercise Book (Twelfth Century B.C.E.) 
5. Allying for Peace: The “Eternal Treaty” between the Egyptians and Hittites (c. 1259 B.C.E.)
CHAPTER 2 Empires in the Near East and the Re-Emergence of Civilization in Greece, 1000-500 B.C.E. 
1. Empires and Divine Right: Inscription Honoring Cyrus, King of Persia (r. c. 557-530 B.C.E.) 
2. Monotheism and Mosaic Law: The Book of Exodus, Chapters 19-20 (c.  Tenth-Sixth Centuries B.C.E.) 
*3. The Quest for Individual Excellence (Arête): Homer, The Odyssey (Eighth Century B.C.E.)
4. Two Visions of the City-State: Tyrtaeus of Sparta and Solon of Athens, Poems (Seventh-Sixth Centuries B.C.E.) 
*5. Economics and the Expansion of Slavery: Xenophon, Revenues (Fourth Century B.C.E.)
CHAPTER 3 The Greek Golden Age, c. 500-c. 400 B.C.E. 
1. The Golden Age of Athens: Thucydides, The Funeral Oration of Pericles (429 B.C.E.)
*2.  Movement in Stone: Myron of Eleutherai, Discus Thrower (c. 450 B.C.E.)
3. The Emergence of Philosophy: Plato, The Apology of Socrates (399 B.C.E.) 
4. The Advance of Science: Hippocrates of Cos, On the Sacred Disease (400 B.C.E.)
5. Domestic Boundaries: Euphiletus, A Husband Speaks in His Own Defense (c. 400 B.C.E.) and Overhead Views of a House on the North Slope of the Areopagus (Fifth Century B.C.E.)
6. Protesting War, Performing Satire: Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411 B.C.E.)
CHAPTER 4 From the Classical to the Hellenistic World, 400-30 B.C.E.
1. The Conquest of New Lands: Arrian, The Campaigns of Alexander the Great (Fourth Century B.C.E.) 
2. Imperial Bureaucracy: Zeno, Egyptian Official, Records (259-250 B.C.E.) 
3. Everyday Life: Funerary Inscriptions and Epitaphs (Fifth-First Centuries B.C.E.) 
4. In Pursuit of Happiness: Epicurus, Letter to a Friend (Late Third Century B.C.E.) 
*5. Exacting Science: Archimedes, Letter to Eratosthenes (Third Century B.C.E.) and Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, Archimedes's “Eureka!” Moment (c.  30-20 B.C.E.)
CHAPTER 5 The Rise of Rome and Its Republic, 753-44 B.C.E. 
1. Formalizing Roman Law: The Twelve Tables (451-449 B.C.E.) 
2. Artistic Influences: Etruscan Statuette of a Rider (c. 434-400 B.C.E.) and Roman Bust of Lucius Junius Brutus (c. 300 B.C.E.) 
3. Status and Discrimination: Roman Women Demonstrate against the Oppian Law (195 B.C.E.) 
4. “Cultivating Justice and Piety”: Cicero, On the Commonwealth (54 B.C.E.) 
5. Failure and Factionalism: The Gracchan Reforms (133 B.C.E.) 
6. Toward Empire: Julius Caesar, The Gallic War (52 B.C.E.) 
CHAPTER 6 The Creation of the Roman Empire, 44 B.C.E.-284 C.E. 
*1. An Empire Foretold: Virgil, The Aeneid (First Century B.C.E.)
2. An Urban Empire: Notices and Graffiti Describe Life in Pompeii (First Century C.E.)
3. New Influences to the North: Tacitus, Germania (c. 98 C.E.)
*4. The Making of a New Religion: Paul of Tarsus, Letter to the Galatians (First Century C.E.)
*5. The Cult of Isis: Apulieus, The Golden Ass (c. 170 C.E.)
CHAPTER 7 The Transformation of the Roman Empire, 284-600 C.E. 
1. The Establishment of Roman Christian Doctrine: Arius, Letter to Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria (c. 320 C.E.) and The Nicene Creed (325 C.E.) 
*2. The Struggle of Conversion: Augustine of Hippo, Confessions (c. 397)
*3. The Development of Monasticism: Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict (c. 540) 
4. Germanic Law in the Roman Empire: The Burgundian Code (c. 475-525 C.E.) 
5. Emergence of Byzantium: Procopius, Secret History (550 C.E.) 
CHAPTER 8 The Heirs of Rome: Islam, Byzantium, and Europe, 600-750 
1. The Foundations of Islam: Qur'an, Suras 1, 53, 98 (c. 610-632) 
2. Jihad and Jizya: Islamic Terms of Peace (633-643) 
3. Byzantine Life: The Life of St. Theodore of Sykeon (Early Seventh Century) 
4. A Noblewoman's Life: The Life of Lady Balthild, Queen of the Franks (Late Seventh Century) 
5. Roman Christian Missions: Pope Gregory the Great, Letters (598-601) 
CHAPTER 9 From Centralization to Fragmentation, 750-1050 
1. The Rule of Charlemagne: General Capitulary for the Missi (802) 
2. Resistance from Constantinople: Liutprand of Cremona, Report to Otto I (968) 
*3. The Macedonian Renaissance: Harbaville Triptych (c. 950)
4. A New Islamic Dynasty: Ahmad  al- Ya'qu¯bi¯, Kita¯b  al- bulda¯n (Ninth Century) 
5. Advances in Medicine: Abu¯ Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakari¯yu¯  Al- ra¯zi¯, A Treatise on the  Small- Pox and Measles (c. 910)  
6. The Faithful Vassal: Fulbert of Chartres, Letter to William of Aquitaine (1020) 
CHAPTER 10 Commercial Quickening and Religious Reform, 1050-1150
*1. Medieval Business: Commenda Contracts (Eleventh-Twelfth Centuries)
2. Sources of the Investiture Conflict: Emperor Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII, Letter and Excommunication (1076) 
3. Calling the First Crusade: Fulcher of Chartres, Pope Urban II's Speech at Clermont (1095) 
4. Arab Response to the First Crusade: Ibn  al- Athi¯r, A Muslim Perspective (1097-1099) 
*5. The Power of William I: The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (1085-1086) and Domesday Book (1086-1087) 
CHAPTER 11 The Flowering of the Middle Ages, 1150-1215 
*1. New Learning: Peter Abelard, The Story of My Misfortunes (c. 1132)
2. Scholarly Pursuits and Youthful Frolics: Medieval University Life (Twelfth-Early Thirteenth Centuries)  
*3. Courtly Love: Chrétien de Troyes, Lancelot: The Knight of the Cart (c. 1170s)
4. Franciscan Piety: St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, Selected Writings (Thirteenth Century) 
5. The Sack of Constantinople: Annals of Niketas Choniate¯s (1204) 
CHAPTER 12 The Medieval Synthesis-and Its Cracks, 1215-1340 
*1. Reconciling Faith and Reason: Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae (1273)
2. A Female Mystic: Hadewijch of Brabant, Letters and Poems (1220-1240) 
3. Defining Outsiders: Thomas of Monmouth, The Life and Martyrdom of St. William of Norwich (c. 1173)
4. Imagining Hell: Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy (1313-1321) 
*5. The New Power of Medieval States: Boniface VIII¸ Unam Sanctam (1302) and King Philip IV of France, General Assembly of Paris (1303) 
CHAPTER 13 Crisis and Renaissance, 1340-1492 
1. Demographic Catastrophe: The Black Death (Fourteenth Century) 
2. Crisis and Change: Thomas Walsingham: Peasant Rebels in London (1381) 
3. Satirizing the Church: Geoffrey Chaucer, The Pardoner's Prologue (1387-1400) 
4.  Preaching Reform: Jan Hus, Letters (1408-1415)
5. Extolling Humanism: Giovanni Rucellai and Leonardo Bruni, Florence in the Quattrocento (1427 and 1457) 
6. Women's Place in Renaissance Italy: Alessandra, Letters from a Widow and Matriarch of a Great Family (1450-1465) 
CHAPTER 14  Global Encounters and the Shock of the Reformation, 1492-1560 
1. Worlds Collide: Bernal Díaz del Castillo, The True History of the Conquest of New Spain (c. 1567) 
2. Illustrating a Native Perspective: Lienzo de Tlaxcala (c. 1560) 
3. Defending Native Humanity: Bartolomé de Las Casas, In Defense of the Indians (c. 1548-1550) 
4. Scripture and Salvation: Martin Luther, Freedom of a Christian (1520) 
5. Reforming Christianity: John Calvin, Articles Concerning Predestination (c. 1560) and The Necessity of Reforming the Church (1543) 
6. Responding to Reformation: St. Ignatius of Loyola, A New Kind of Catholicism (1546, 1549, 1553)  
CHAPTER 15 Wars of Religion and Clash of Worldviews, 1560-1648 
1. Legislating Tolerance: Henry IV, Edict of Nantes (1598) 
2. Barbarians All: Michel de Montaigne, Of Cannibals (1580s) 
*3. Defending Religious Liberty: Apology of the Bohemian Estates (May 25, 1618)
4. The Scientific Challenge: Galileo, Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1615) 
5. The Persecution of Witches: The Trial of Suzanne Gaudry (1652) 
CHAPTER 16 Absolutism, Constitutionalism, and the Search for Order, 1640-1715
*1. Mercantilism in the Colonies: Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Instructions (1667, 1668) and A Royal Ordinance (1669)
*2. Regime Change: The Trial of Charles I (January 1649)
3. Civil War and Social Contract: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651) 
4. The Consent of the Governed: John Locke, The Second Treatise of Government (1690) 
5. Opposing Serfdom: Ludwig Fabritius, The Revolt of Stenka Razin (1670) 
CHAPTER 17 The Atlantic System and Its Consequences, 1700-1750  
1. Captivity and Enslavement: Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano Written by Himself (1789) 
2. A “Sober and Wholesome Drink”: A Brief Description of the Excellent Vertues of That Sober and Wholesome Drink, Called Coffee (1674)
*3.  Westernizing Russian Culture: Peter I, Decrees and Statutes (1701-1723)
*4.  Early Enlightenment: Voltaire, Letters Concerning the English Nation (1733)
5. Questioning Women's Submission: Mary Astell, Reflections upon Marriage (1706) 
*New to this edition


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