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Space Physics and Aeronomy, Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications

by ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2021-05-11
  • Publisher: American Geophysical Union
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A comprehensive review of global ionospheric research from the polar caps to equatorial regions

It's more than a century since scientists first identified the ionosphere, the layer of the Earth’s upper atmosphere that is ionized by solar and cosmic radiation. Our understanding of this dynamic part of the near-Earth space environment has greatly advanced in recent years thanks to new observational technologies, improved numerical models, and powerful computing capabilities.

Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications provides a comprehensive overview of historic developments, recent advances, and future directions in ionospheric research.

Volume highlights include:

  • Behavior of the ionosphere in different regions from the poles to the equator
  • Distinct characteristics of the high-, mid-, and low-latitude ionosphere
  • Observational results from ground- and space-based instruments
  • Ionospheric impacts on radio signals and satellite operations
  • How earthquakes and tsunamis on Earth cause disturbances in the ionosphere

The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

Find out more about the Space Physics and Aeronomy collection in this Q&A with the Editors in Chief

Author Biography

Chaosong Huang, Senior Research Physicist, Space Plasma Disturbance Specification & Forecast, Air Force Research Laboratory Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, USA.

Gang Lu, Senior Scientist, High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Table of Contents

Part 1: The Polar Cap and Auroral Ionosphere

1.1  Magnetospheric energy input to the high-latitude ionosphere

Cheryl Huang, Air Force Research Laboratory (cheryl.huang@us.af.mil)

1.2  High-latitude ionospheric convection

Steve Milan, University of Leicester, UK (steve.milan@le.ac.uk)

1.3  Multi-scale dynamics in the high-latitude ionosphere

Yukitoshi Nishimura, UCLA/BU (toshi@atmos.ucla.edu)

1.4  Recent advances in polar cap density structure research

Shasha Zou, University of Michigan (shashaz@umich.edu)    

1.5  Polar cap O+ ion outflow and its impact on magnetospheric dynamics

Binzhen Zhang, HAO and Hong Kong University (binzheng@ucar.edu)

Part 2: The Subauroral and Mid-Latitude Ionosphere

2.1  Ionospheric storm enhanced density plumes

John Foster, MIT Haystack Observatory (foster@haystack.mit.edu)

2.2  Ion outflow and lobe density: Interhemispheric asymmetries

Stein Haaland, University of Bergen, Norway (stein.haaland@uib.no)

2.3 Meso- and small-scale structure of subauroral geospace

Evgeny Mishin, Air Force Research Laboratory (evgeny.mishin@us.af.mil)

Part 3: The Low-Latitude Ionosphere

3.1  Equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics

Bela Fejer, Utah State University (bela.fejer@usu.edu)

3.2  Theory and Modeling of Equatorial Spread F

Joe Huba, Naval Research Laboratory (huba@nrl.navy.mil)

3.3  Observations of Equatorial Spread F: A Working Hypothesis

Roland Tsunoda, SRI International (roland.tsunoda@sri.com)

3.4  The Equatorial Electrojet

Hermann Luehr, GFZ, Germany (hluehr@gfz-potsdam.de)

3.5  Equatorial ionization anomaly variations during geomagnetic storms

Xiaoli Luan, University of Science and Technology of China (luanxl@ustc.edu.cn)

Part 4: Global Ionospheric Processes

4.1  Penetration of the magnetospheric electric fields to the low latitude ionosphere

Takashi Kikuchi, Nagoya University, Japan (tkikuchi@geosci.jp)

4.2  Ionosphere and thermosphere coupling at mid- and subauroral latitudes

Shunrong Zhang, MIT Haystack Observatory (shunrong@mit.edu)

4.3  Sudden stratospheric warming impacts on the ionosphere-thermosphere system - A review of recent progress

Larisa Goncharenko, MIT Haystack Observatory (lpg@mit.edu)

4.4  Ionospheric Dynamics and Its Strong Longitudinal Dependences

Endawoke Yizengaw, Boston College (endawoke.kassie@bc.edu)

4.5  Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances

Yuichi Otsuka, Nagoya University, Japan (otsuka@isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp)

Part 5: Ionospheric Impacts on Applications

5.1  Ionospheric Effects on HF Radio Wave Propagation

Manuel Cervera, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Australia. (manuel.cervera@dst.defence.gov.au)

5.2  Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on Satellite Navigation

Seebany Datta-Barua, Illinois Institute of Technology (sdattaba@iit.edu)

5.3  Ionospheric Disturbances Related to Earthquakes

Kosuke Heki, Hokkaido University, Japan (heki@sci.hokudai.ac.jp)

5.4  Atmospheric and ionospheric disturbances caused by tsunamis

Michael Hickey, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (hicke0b5@erau.edu)



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