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Spam - The Cookbook

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2009-09-22
  • Publisher: Hamlyn

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This cookbook is retro, it's fun, and it's about lunchmeat. Packed with drawings and photos from the nostalgic to the wacky, and with 20 recipes that will redefine one's idea of the Spam meal, this scrapbook is full of anecdotes and merry memories. Full color.

Author Biography

As one of the world's most famous cookbook writers, Marguerite Patten has probably done more for the image of SPAM than any other person in the world. -áWith over 160 cookbooks to her credit, including Marguerite Patten's Post-War Kitchen, We'll Eat Again and The Victory Cookbook, she was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Guild of Food Writers in 1995. -á

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