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Starting an Online Business All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies?

by ;
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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2006-10-01
  • Publisher: For Dummies
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List Price: $29.99


Eleven minibooks comprising nearly 800 pages offer would-be online entrepreneurs all the information they need to launch an e-business and succeed in today's marketplace Unlike competing guides, this book explains how to redesign a site, retool marketing strategies, and run a nonprofit site as well as offering in-depth coverage of how to secure a site and move from retail to e-tail Minibooks cover online business basics, legal and accounting matters, Web site design, operational issues once a business is up and running, Internet security, how to boost sales, taking a brick-and-mortar business online, storefront selling at eBay and elsewhere, fundraising at a nonprofit site, running a niche e-business, and advanced e-commerce techniques and strategies

Author Biography

Shannon Belew is the co-owner of several online businesses:,,,,,, and is a nationally recognized, award-winning global provider of resources for small and home businesses. Shannon writes the Huntsville Times’ column “Today’s Home Office;” has authored magazine and newspaper articles; and founded the public relations firm aVespa Media, Inc. Her clients have appeared in such venues as Inc. magazine. She has also consulted for an Internet provider, advising companies on developing and reengineering their online presence.

Joel Elad was a fan of the Internet before most people ever heard of the World Wide Web. He sells online as an eBay PowerSeller with an impeccable customer satisfaction rating; he’s a ProMerchant on Amazon; and he runs his own e-commerce business, NewComix.Com, which has focused on selling new comic books, Japanese manga, DVDs, and action figures over the Web since 1998. He is the lead instructor for the Learning Annex in New York and California for classes regarding eBay and advanced Internet sales, and he’s an educational specialist trained by eBay. He is also a contributor to Entrepreneur magazine and
While at UCLA earning a bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering, Joel co-founded his first Internet company, Resonance Internet Marketing. After graduation, he joined companies like IBM Global Services, where he performed software design, development, testing, and maintenance for e-commerce applications for global firms as well as internal IBM divisions.
After earning his MBA from the University of California–Irvine with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and information technology, Joel co-authored two best-selling books focusing on selling online. He’s now a consultant to e-commerce companies, a trainer to thousands of eager students in seminars and workshops, and a guide for helping people reach the freedom they can enjoy by growing their sales and establishing their own online presence.

Table of Contents

Book I: Online Business Basics.
Chapter 1: Starting from Scratch.
Chapter 2: Turning Internet Dreams into Reality.
Chapter 3: Get with the Plan: Creating Your Business Plan.
Chapter 4: Financing Your Online Start-Up.
Chapter 5: Creating Online Policies.
Chapter 6: Setting Up Shop: Everything You Need for Online Efficiency.
Book II: Legal and Accounting.
Chapter 1: Minding the Law.
Chapter 2: To Inc. or Not to Inc.
Chapter 3: The Trademark-and-Copyright Two-Step.
Chapter 4: Accounting for Taxes (And Then Some).
Book III: Web Site Design.
Chapter 1: What’s in a (Domain) Name?
Chapter 2: Designing Customer-Friendly Sites.
Chapter 3: Building a Site Made for You.
Chapter 4: Finding the Host with the Most.
Chapter 5: Sizzling Content that Optimizes Searches.
Chapter 6: Lights, Camera, Action! Taking Your Site Live.
Book IV: Online and Operating.
Chapter 1: Determining Your Revenue Model.
Chapter 2: Making Money with Affiliate Programs.
Chapter 3: Selling Information for Profit.
Chapter 4: Paying Up with the Right Payment Options.
Chapter 5: Putting the (Shopping) Cart before the Horse.
Chapter 6: Taking Inventory.
Chapter 7: Fulfilling Expectations and Orders.
Book V: Internet Security.
Chapter 1: Understanding Security and Your Risks.
Chapter 2: Developing a Security Plan.
Chapter 3: Attacked! What to Expect from the Net-Thief.
Chapter 4: Securing Your Site and Your Business.
Chapter 5: Flying without Wires: Security Concerns in the Wireless World.
Book VI: Boosting Sales.
Chapter 1: Driving Traffic, Driving Sales.
Chapter 2: Special-Edition Public Relations for the Web.
Chapter 3: Web Marketing at Work.
Chapter 4: Converting Browsers to Buyers.
Chapter 5: Analyzing and Monitoring Your Customers.
Chapter 6: Mastering Search Engines, Optimization, and Rankings.
Book VII: Retail to E-Tail.
Chapter 1: Deciding to Move Your Store Online.
Chapter 2: Understanding the Differences between Real and Virtual Customers.
Chapter 3: Window Dressing for the Online Display.
Chapter 4: Making In-Store Customers Loyal Online Shoppers.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting the Transition to E-Tail.
Book VIII: Storefront Selling.
Chapter 1: Instant E-Commerce with Storefronts.
Chapter 2: Mastering the Amazon.
Chapter 3: Let’s Hear It for Yahoo!
Chapter 4: Making eBay THE Way.
Chapter 5: New Storefronts, New Opportunities.
Book IX: Fundraising Sites.
Chapter 1: Raining Donations: Why Not-for-Profit Is Big Business Online.
Chapter 2: Adding Online Moneymakers to an Existing Site.
Chapter 3: Getting the Donor Base to Come to You.
Chapter 4: More Online Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations.
Chapter 5: Legal Considerations for Nonprofit Organizations.
Book X: Niche E-Commerce.
Chapter 1: Discovering Niche Markets.
Chapter 2: Over 50 and BOOMING.
Chapter 3: Women and Children Only.
Chapter 4: Crossing Borders and Selling Internationally.
Chapter 5: Micro-Commerce.
Book XI: E-Commerce Advanced.
Chapter 1: Overhauling the Business.
Chapter 2: Time to Redesign.
Chapter 3: Expanding Products to Increase Stagnant Sales.
Chapter 4: Bringing Former Customers (Back) Home.
Chapter 5: Revisiting Marketing Strategies.
Chapter 6: Hiring Experts to Get Business Rolling Again.
Chapter 7: Transitioning a Small Site into Big Business.

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