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Stephens' C# Programming with Visual Studio 2010 24-Hour Trainer

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-05-17
  • Publisher: Wrox
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List Price: $44.99


A unique book-and-DVD package from preeminent programming instructor Rod StephensVisual C# has become a leading programming language, resulting in greater career opportunities for Visual C# programmers. This Wrox guide literally shows novice programmers how to program in C# with Microsoft Visual Studio, using both written and visual instruction.Easy-to-follow lessons reinforced with step-by-step instructions, screencasts, and supplemental exercises make it easy to master Visual C# programming regardless of your learning style. Each lesson begins with a discussion of a concept or technique and proceeds through step-by-step directions for using the technique Visual C# has surpassed Visual Basic as the most popular programming language This book-and-DVD package provides an introduction to Visual C# programming, with screencasts on the DVD to support each lesson in the book Each lesson includes a "Try It" section with exercises for developing a programming solution, goals for the exercise, and pointers about handling more complex issues DVD shows how the author works through each lesson in the bookStephens 24-Hour Trainer: C# Programming with Visual Studio 2010 teaches Visual C# in the clear, compelling style for which Rod Stephens is famous.

Author Biography

Rod Stephens is Microsoft MVP and the author of more than 20 books and 250 articles on C#, Visual Basic, Java, and other programming topics. He is a regular contributor to DevX ( and also an ITT adjunct instructor.

Table of Contents

The Visual Studio IDE and Controls
Getting Started with the Visual Studio IDE
Creating Controls
Making Controls Arrange Themselves
Handling Events
Making Menus
Making Tool Strips and Status Strips
Using RichTextBoxes
Using Standard Dialogs
Creating and Displaying New Forms
Building Custom Dialogs
Variables and Calculations
Using Variables and Performing Calculations
Debugging Code
Understanding Scope
Working with Strings
Working with Dates and Times
Using Arrays and Collections
Using Enumerations and Structures
Program Statements
Making Choices
Repeating Program Steps
Reusing Code with Methods
Handling Errors
Preventing Bugs
Defining Classes
Initializing Objects
Fine-Tuning Classes
Overloading Operators
Using Interfaces
Making Generic Classes
System Interactions
Reading and Writing Files
Using File System Classes
Using the Clipboard
Providing Drag and Drop
Specialized Topics
Localizing Programs
Programming Databases, Part 1
Programming Databases, Part 2
LINQ to Objects
Drawing with GDI+
Making WPF Applications
Printing with WPF
Control Summary
What's on the DVD?
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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