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Strategic Market Creation A New Perspective on Marketing and Innovation Management

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-01-11
  • Publisher: Wiley
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The majority of existing innovation textbooks either discuss innovationin an all to general way or lean towards a general management ortechnology perspective. This book combines the fields of marketing andinnovation management, acknowledging that marketing plays an importantand proactive role in radical product, brand and market innovatonprocesses. Structured around two key themes 'Knowledge, Processes andCapabilities for Market Creation' and 'Co-Creation of MeaningfulExperiences with Customers', this book fills an important gap in themarket.

Author Biography

Karin Tollin is associate professor of Marketing at the Department of Marketing, Copenhagen Business School, and programme director of the MSc programme Strategic Market Creation. Her main research falls in the areas of product innovation and knowledge and brand management, with a special focus on top managers' mindsets for innovation and on marketing's role for firms' innovation capability. She has published on these issues in international books and journals.

Antonella Caru is professor of Marketing at Universita Bocconi, where she is director of the MSc in Marketing Management. Her research interests are focused on services marketing and on the experiential perspective in consumption and marketing. She has also worked on various research projects in the arts and cultural marketing field. She has published on these topics in various national and international journals and books.

Table of Contents

About the Authorsp. ix
Introduction and Overview of Strategic Market Creationp. xv
Knowledge, Processes, and Capabilities for Market Creation
From Market Research to Creativity Templates: Leveraging Tacit Knowledge for Ideationp. 3
Using the Dynamic Paradigm Funnel to Analyse Brand Managementp. 27
Creativity, Cognition, and the Marketp. 48
Management of Innovation and Product Development: a Linear Versus a Process Perspectivep. 71
Reshaping Markets through Collective Marketing Strategies: Lesson from the Textile Industryp. 97
Marketing's Role for Firms' Renewal and Innovation Capabilityp. 124
Linking Technological Innovation Creation to Supply Chain Managementp. 158
A New Understanding of Market Creation: How CUBEical Thinking Uncovers Competitive Arenas within Marketsp. 172
The Role of Unexpected Market Events in Market Creation Strategiesp. 187
Beyond Blue Oceans - Implications of Entry Time for Actors in New Marketsp. 210
Supplying Value to Customers through Innovation in B2B Servicesp. 229
Co-creation of Meaningful Experiences with Customers
Co-creating Consumption Experiences: an Endless Innovationp. 257
How Market Perceptions Influence Knowledge Strategies on user Involvementp. 285
Tribal Entrepreneurship: "Consumer Made" and Creative Communities as Market Makersp. 313
Three Types of Firm-related Online Communitiesp. 337
Co-developing New Products with Customersp. 362
Consumers' Participation in Market Co-creation: How Gay Consumers Impact on Marketing Strategies through Consumer Societyp. 389
Indexp. 413
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