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Student Activities Manual for Chinese Link Beginning Chinese, Simplified Character Version, Level 1/Part 1

by ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-01-21
  • Publisher: DOVER

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Supplemental Materials

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KEY BENEFIT: The student workbook contains homework assignments for each lesson in theChinese LinkSimplified Characters Level 1 / Part 1 2e textbook. Homework activities are divided among listening, character recognition and writing, grammar exercises, and communicative tasks. Topics are directly correlated with those in the respective chapters of the textbook. This version uses Simplified characters. For beginning learners of Chinese.

Author Biography

Sue-mei Wu, Ph.D., Associate Teaching Professor of Chinese Studies in the Modern Languages Department at Carnegie Mellon University. She is the project leader and primary author for the Chinese Link textbook project (Beginning and Intermediate levels). She received her Ph.D. in linguistics, with a minor in language pedagogy, from the Ohio State University. She has taught at Ohio State University, Harvard University and Carnegie Mellon University. She has devoted her linguistic, pedagogy and technology expertise to creating and developing various innovative new Chinese courses, textbooks, online courses and web pages. She has designed, developed and coordinated all levels of Chinese languages and culture courses and received several awards to support developing online language, culture and folk performance modules. She is the chair of the Chinese LearnLab of the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (PSLC, funded by NSF, http://learnlab.org), and the PI of various online Chinese language and culture projects. She is the project leader and coordinator of the Chinese Online project funded by NSF. She is the co-author of Classical Chinese Primer (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press) and the co-author of a new textbook for heritage learners.


Yueming Yu, PhD., Teaching Professor and Coordinator of the Chinese Studies Program of the Department of Modern Languages at Carnegie Mellon University and co-author of the Chinese Link textbook project. She came to CMU in 1992 to start the Chinese Program at the Department of Modern Languages and has been the Coordinator of the program ever since. She has more than 40 years of experience in teaching a foreign language. She has taught various levels of Chinese courses and in recent years has focused on the content courses at the advanced level of Chinese. Before she came to the US, she was an Associate Professor of English as well as the coordinator of the International Journalism Program at the Shanghai International Studies University. She was also one of the founding members of the English newspaper (Students Weekly) in Shanghai and a pioneer for the English News Program of Radio Shanghai. She has translated several books from English to Chinese, and compiled English-Chinese dictionaries. Her doctoral dissertation was a research on the criteria used in the selection of textbooks for teaching Chinese in the United States. Her current research focuses on pedagogical issues in Chinese language education with an emphasis on the relationship between teaching language and teaching culture, including a special focus on the teaching of heritage students. She is also the project leader of another textbook of Chinese for heritage students and published a series of Chinese textbooks for online use by high school students.


Yanhui Zhang, PhD., is Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics at Chinese University of Hong Kong.  She received her PhD. in Second Language Acquisition at Carnegie Mellon University.  Her research focuses on the fluency and robustness of second language basic skills learning, cross-language transfer, computer-assisted language learning, and bilingual education.


Weizhong Tian, obtained her Bachelor of Art degree in English Language and Literature from Peking University, one of the most prestigious universities in mainland China. She has been an Instructor of Chinese in the Modern Languages Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Before coming to the U.S., she taught various levels of English as well as English for Business at a university in China. 


Table of Contents

  • Foundations
  • Ch. 1: Greetings
  • Ch. 2: Names
  • Ch. 3: Nationality & Languages
  • Ch. 4: School Life
  • Ch. 5: Making Introductions
  • Ch. 6: Family & Communities
  • Ch. 7: Addresses
  • Ch. 8: Meeting & Making Plans
  • Ch. 9: Phone Calls
  • Ch. 10: Time & Schedules
  • Ch. 11: Ordering Food

Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?

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The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

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