This Study Guide is perfect as a companion to Understanding Anatomy & Physiology: A Visual, Interactive Approach, 4th Edition or as a stand-alone guide to reinforce A&P concepts. Hands-on activities make mastering A&P easier and fun!
(5 Stars!) Love this workbook!“I would recommend this to any high school or college student taking anatomy, even if it is not required for your course.”—Cheyenne, Online Reviewer
(5 Stars!) Get this workbook! “Great tool to go along with the book, would highly recommend!”—Stacy W., Online Reviewer
(5 Stars!) Love this book. “I absolutely love this book. It has helped [make] studying and learning not only easier but more interactive.”—Online Reviewer
- New & Expanded! Activities on every topic covered in the textbook
- Puzzle It Out—Complete the crossword puzzles.
- Conceptualize in Color—Color figures from the book.
- List for Learning—Fill-in-the-blanks to compile lists.
- Make a Connection—Unscramble words and then draw lines to connect each word to the appropriate statement.
- Drawing Conclusions—Two activities in one…color or draw figures while you also complete another activity.
- Fill in the Gaps—Fill-in-the-blanks to complete the sentences.
- Just the Highlights—Use different color highlighters to group statements correctly.
- Describe the Process—Fill-in-the-blank lines to describe a physiological process using visual clues.
- Sequence of Events—Place statements about a physiological process in the proper sequence; fill-in-the blank lines to write the process events.
- Illuminate the Truth—A variation of fill-in-the-blank, highlight the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.