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Substance Use Disorders in Underserved Ethnic and Racial Groups Using Diversity to Help Individuals Thrive

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2024-02-13
  • Publisher: American Psychological Association

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Supplemental Materials

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This book examines substance use disorders among individuals and communities of color and offers assessment, treatment, and prevention strategies for supporting and empowering individuals within their cultural contexts.
It explores the unique histories and substance use trends within Black/African American, Latino/Latina/Latinx/Hispanic, Asian American/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native communities. This includes the role of intergenerational trauma and the enduring impacts of colonialism, slavery, and systemic oppression, as well modern injustices and inequities in mental health and medical treatment, criminal justice, and other institutions.
Expert contributors draw upon their extensive experiences working in these communities to establish evidence-based recommendations for culturally competent care. They explore common challenges with assessment and treatment, including the limitations of established models that fail to properly account for cultural factors. They offer culturally bound solutions that enable mental health professionals to better help individuals and communities while respecting their unique intersectional identities and values.

Author Biography

Christina A. Downey, PhD, is assistant vice-chancellor for academic affairs and student success and associate professor of psychology at Indiana University Kokomo. She has published articles on various topics in journals like Eating BehaviorsPsychology & Health, the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, and The Journal of Effective Teaching and has published several chapters on positive psychology. She also serves on the editorial board of Cognitive Therapy and Research. Dr. Downey was coeditor of the Handbook of Race and Development in Mental Health, Positive Psychology in Racial and Ethnic Groups, and Treating Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Ethnic and Racial Groups.
Edward C. Chang, PhD, is a professor of psychology and social work and a faculty associate in Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He served as a program evaluator for the Michigan Department of Community Health–Social Determinants of Health, working with the Asian Center of Southeast Michigan. Dr. Chang also serves as an associate editor of Cognitive Therapy and Research. He has published nearly 200 empirical and scholarly works focusing on optimism and pessimism, perfectionism, loneliness, social problem solving, and cultural influences on behavior, including the coedited book Motivation and Morality: A Multidisciplinary Approach.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Substance Use Disorders in Diverse Ethnoracial Groups: Understanding How We Got Here
Edward C. Chang and Christina A. Downey
Part I. Overview of Cultural Competence
Chapter 1. The Need for Cultural Competence in Understanding and Intervening With Substance Use Disorders
Christina A. Downey
Part II. Substance Use in Black/African American Communities
Chapter 2. Scope and Historical Origins of Substance Use Disorders Among Black American Communities
Tamika C. B. Zapolski, Alia Rowe, Rieanna S. McPhie, and Maney Darby
Chapter 3. Culturally Competent Substance Abuse Treatment for Black American Communities
Michelle L. Redmond, Rhonda K. Lewis, Tasha Parker, Rosalind Canare, Dyan Dickens, and Stormy Malone
Chapter 4. Preventing Substance Use in Black Youth: What's Available and What's Missing?
A. Kathleen Burlew, Brittany D. Miller-Roenigk, Caravella McCuistian, Randi D. Burlew, and Bridgette J. Peteet
Part III. Substance Use in Asian American/Pacific Islander Communities
Chapter 5. Substance Use Trends and Patterns Among Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities
Athena Park, Aylin Kaya, Jennifer Brady, Lauren Pandes-Carter, and Derek Kenji Iwamoto
Chapter 6. Culturally Competent Assessment and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders for Asian American Communities
Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt, Anthony King, and Nolan Zane
Chapter 7. Prevention of Substance Use Disorders in Asian American Adolescents: A Review of Family-Based Interventions
Yoonsun Choi, Michael Park, Dina Drankus Pekelnicky, Mina Lee, and Tae Yeun Kim
Part IV. Substance Use in Latino/Latina/Latinx/Hispanic Communities
Chapter 8. Culturally Competent Assessment and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Latino American Communities
Luz M. López and Jocelyn Melian
Chapter 9. Prevention of Substance Use Disorders in Latino/Latina American Communities
Alyssa Lozano, Alejandra Fernandez, Yannine Estrada, and Guillermo Prado
Part V. Substance Use in Native American/Alaska Native Communities
Chapter 10. Scope and Historical Origins of Substance Use Disorders Among Native American Communities
Tessa Evans-Campbell and Karina Walters
Chapter 11. Assessment and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in American Indian/Alaska Native Communities: A Cultural and Practice Review and Call for Development
Laurence Armand French and Christina A. Downey
Chapter 12. Interventions for Substance Use Disorders in American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
Eric F. Wagner, John Lowe, and Julie Ann Baldwin
Part VI. Our Multicultural, Multiethnic Future and Substance Use Disorder
Chapter 13. Integrating a Multicultural, Multiethnic Perspective Into Substance Use Training: Preparing Clinicians for the Future
Christina A. Downey and Edward C. Chang
About the Editors

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