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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-10-18
  • Publisher: Charlesbridge
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A funny and read-aloud worthy sequel to the best-selling SumoKitty brings two unlikely friends together in this hilarious dog-meets-cat adventure perfect for pet lovers.

SumoKitty has taken on an apprentice--but can this eager puppy truly learn the ways of a feline?
SumoKitty tries his best to teach an eager but undisciplined puppy the feline ways of catching mice. But this rambunctious newcomer doesn't seem cut out for the job. She drools, snores, and chases away the mice with her constant barking! Can she find a place in the sumo stable--and in SumoKitty's heart?


Author Biography

David Biedrzycki is the author and illustrator of Invasion of the Unicorns, SumoKitty, and Groundhog's Runaway Shadow, as well as the Breaking News series; the Me and My Dragon series; and the Ace Lacewing, Bug Detective series. He has also illustrated many picture books, including The Beetle Alphabet Book and Dory Story. David lives in Massachusetts.

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