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Surveying Fundamentals and Practices

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 7th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-05-12
  • Publisher: Pearson
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Supplemental Materials

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Surveying Fundamentals and Practices, 7/e, covers up-to-date surveying technology without losing perspective of the need to provide students with a strong foundation in traditional surveying fundamentals. An entire chapter provides a review of the mathematics essential for beginning technology students to understand plane surveying problem-solving methods and applications. Through clear explanations and applied examples, the text presents the methods of measuring and computing distances, angles, and directions. It provides students with a firm grasp of modern equipment and office and field procedures related to horizontal control surveys, property surveys, topographic surveys, roadway curve calculations, and construction layout surveys. The Seventh Edition expands upon the surveying applications in today’s world with a section on forensic surveying, updated information on national and industry standards for surveys, and a new section on spiral curve computations.

Author Biography

Jerry Nathanson, Professor Emeritus, Union County College, earned a Bachelor of Engineering degree from The City College of New York, and a Master of Science degree from Northwestern University. He obtained a Professional Engineer license in New York State in 1971. He served on the faculty of Union County College for 35 years, where he was involved in curriculum development and teaching a variety of subjects in the Civil Technology program, including surveying, environmental technology, and others. Before joining the college faculty, he was employed for more than five years as a civil engineer in private industry and government positions. He is also a co-author of the textbook, Basic Environmental Technology: Water Supply, Waste Management, and Pollution Control, Pearson, 2015.


Michael Lanzafama is Vice President and Director of Engineering & Surveying Services of Casey & Keller, Inc., a consulting firm of surveyors, engineers, and planners in New Jersey, where he serves as Director of Engineering and Land Surveying Services. Licensed as a professional land surveyor, engineer since 1984, and as professional planner since 1985, he has more than 44 years of experience in property surveying, site surveying, and in the engineering design for site development projects. Mr. Lanzafama also served as an adjunct instructor at Union County College and taught surveying courses. Mr. Lanzafama can be reached via e-mail at mike@caseyandkeller.com.


The late Philip Kissam, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at Princeton University, who established the underlying foundation of this textbook, in its first three editions as Surveying  Practice, has made significant contributions to surveying education.

Table of Contents



1. Introduction

2. Measurements and Computations

3. Basic Mathematics for Surveying




4. Measuring Horizontal Distances

5. Measuring Vertical Distances

6. Measuring Angles and Directions




7. Horizontal Control Surveys

8. Property Surveys

9. Topographic Surveys and Maps

10. Highway Curves and Earthwork

11. Construction Surveys

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