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To Teach : The Journey, in Comics

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-05-01
  • Publisher: Teachers College Pr

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This Practical Guide is Essential Reading for families of infants and toddlers with, or at risk for, developmental delays or disabilities and the early intervention professionals who partner with those families. The Early Intervention Guidebook shows what early intervention looks like when it is based on current research, policies, and best practices. It focuses on how families and professionals can collaborate effectively so that young children learn, grow, and thrive. Chapters address important issues in early intervention, including child learning and development, family functioning and priorities, early intervention as a support not a substitute, and thinking about "what's next" after early intervention. Specific components of early intervention-evaluation and assessment, program planning, intervention implementation, service co-ordination, and transition-are discussed. This hands-on resource:

Author Biography

Bonnie Kelity is an Assistant Professor of the Child and Family Development faculty in the Department of Special Education and Child Development at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.

Table of Contents

Forewordp. xi
Acknowledgmentsp. xiii
Introduction: Welcome to our Comic Bookp. xiv
Opening Day: The Journey Beginsp. 1
Seeing the Studentp. 13
Creating an Environment for Learningp. 33
Building Bridgesp. 47
Liberating the Curriculump. 67
Keeping Trackp. 81
The Mystery of Teachingp. 93
Commencement: Beginning Againp. 113
Further Readingsp. 124
Referencesp. 125
About The Authorsp. 128
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

Supplemental Materials

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