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Teaching Students Who are Exceptional, Diverse, and At Risk in the General Educational Classroom

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 7th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-03-01
  • Publisher: Pearson
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Looking to rent a book? Rent Teaching Students Who are Exceptional, Diverse, and At Risk in the General Educational Classroom [ISBN: 9780134895093] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Vaughn, Sharon R.; Bos, Candace S.; Schumm, Jeanne Shay. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


Provide the practical tools and strategies teachers need to meet the diverse academic and social needs of all students.

Teaching Students Who Are Exceptional, Diverse, and at Risk in the General Education Classroom is the ideal guide for classroom teachers who identify students with special needs as both their greatest challenges and often their greatest rewards. With its numerous learning activities and sample lessons—plus stories from teachers, students, and parents—it strongly focuses on applying practical, proven strategies for effective teaching and learning. The authors go above and beyond simply describing curriculum adaptations by providing step-by-step procedures for implementing those adaptations in the actual classroom. After reading this book, pre- and in-service teachers alike are armed with the tools and confidence they need to effectively meet their students’ diverse academic, behavioral, and social needs.


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Author Biography

Sharon Vaughn holds the H. E. Hartfelder/Southland Corporation Regents Chair in Human Development and is currently the Director of the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk at the University of Texas. She was the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Learning Disabilities and the Co-Editor of Learning Disabilities Research and Practice. She is the recipient of the CEC Research Award and the AERA Special Education SIG distinguished researcher award. She is the author of more than 200 articles and 10 books that address the reading outcomes of students with learning difficulties, learning disabilities and English language learners. She is currently the Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on several Institutes for Education Sciences, National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, and Office of Special Education Programs research grants investigating effective interventions for students with learning disabilities and behavior problems as well as students who are English language learners. She can be contacted at srvaughn@austin.utexas.edu.


Jeanne Shay Schumm is Professor of Literacy Education at University of Miami. She is currently Professor-in-Residence at the university’s Henry S. West Laboratory School where she directs the UM STARS Reading Laboratory. She has edited or co-authored 15 books including Promising Practices for Urban Reading Instruction (International Reading Association) and Reading Assessment and Instruction for All Learners (Guilford) as well as numerous research articles and book chapters. Her research interests include differentiated reading instruction and teacher education. She can be contacted at schumm@miami.edu.

Table of Contents

1.   Special Education and Inclusive Schooling

2.   Response to Intervention and Multitiered Systems of Support: Developing Success for All Learners

3.   Communicating and Collaborating with Other Professionals and Families

4.   Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students

5.   Promoting Social Acceptance and Managing Student Behavior

6.   Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

7.   Teaching Students with Communication Disorders

8.   Teaching Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

9.   Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders/Pervasive Developmental Disorders

10.  Teaching Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

11.  Teaching Students with Lower-Incidence Disabilities

12.  Differentiating Instruction and Assessment for All Learners

13.  Promoting Content Learning through the Teaching and Learning Connection

14.  Facilitating Reading

15.  Facilitating Writing

16.  Helping All Students Succeed in Mathematics

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