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Through the Eyes of a Child : An Introduction to Children's Literature (with MyEducationKit)

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 8th
  • Format: Package
  • Copyright: 2010-03-18
  • Publisher: Pearson

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No text better prepares you for evaluating, choosing, and sharing quality childrenrs"s literature thanThrough the Eyes of a Child: An Introduction to Childrenrs"s Literature (with MyEducationKit).This streamlined eighth edition continues to provide a visually stunning, theoretically sound, comprehensive overview of childrenrs"s literature. Sharpened focus on contemporary issues in the field, deepened coverage of biography and informational books, and newly integrated technology give this new edition added relevance in the changing field. In addition to the text's contemporary and valuable information on literature for younger readers, some of the brightest stars of childrenrs"s literature lend their talents to the new edition, providing insight into the craft and addressing the changing needs of middle grades readers.

Author Biography

Following the completion of her doctorate at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Donna E. Norton joined the College of Education faculty at Texas A&M University where she now holds the rank of professor emerita. She taught courses in children’s literature, language arts, and reading. Dr. Norton is the recipient of the Texas A&M Faculty Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching. This award is given “in recognition and appreciation of the ability, personality, and methods which have resulted in distinguished achievements in the teaching and the inspiration of students.” She is also the recipient of the Virginia Hamilton Essay Award, presented by the Virginia Hamilton Conference Advisory Board at Kent state University. This annual award recognizes an article that “makes a significant contribution to the professional literature concerning multicultural literature experiences for youth.”


Prior to her college teaching experience, Dr. Norton was an elementary teacher in River Falls, Wisconsin and in Madison, Wisconsin. She was a Language Arts/Reading Consultant for federally funded kindergarten through adult basic education programs. In this capacity she developed, provided in-service instruction, and evaluated kindergarten programs, summer reading and library programs, remedial reading programs, learning disability programs for middle school children, elementary and secondary literature programs for the gifted, and diagnostic and intervention programs for reading-disabled adults. Dr. Norton’s continuing concern for literature results in frequent consultations with educators from various disciplines, librarians, and school administrators and teachers.

Table of Contents

  1. The Child Responds to Literature
  2. The History of Children's Literature
  3. Evaluating ane Selecting Literature for Children
  4. Artists and Their Illustrations
  5. Picture Books
  6. Traditional Literature
  7. Modern Fantasy
  8. Poetry
  9. Contemporary Realistic Fiction
  10. Historical Fiction
  11. Biographies
  12. Informational Books

Supplemental Materials

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