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The Turner Prize and British Art

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-02-01
  • Publisher: Tate

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Established in 1984 to draw greater public attention to contemporary art, the Turner Prize has both reflected and informed the popular reception of new British art around the world. This discussion between Turner Prize-winner Grayson Perry, Orange Prize -winner Lionel Shriver, and British journalist Mark Lawson considers the effect prizes have on those short-listed and on the winners, for whom it can be both a catalyst to international success and a hindrance to creativity. In addition, a series of artists’ statements from a selection of Turner Prize nominees and winners from 1984 to 2006 lends further insight to the role the prize has played since its inauguration.

Author Biography

Katharine Stout and Lizzie Carey-Thomas are assistant curators at Tate Britain.

Table of Contents

Forewordp. 8
The Tate, the Turner Prize and the Art Worldp. 12
A Discussion About Prizesp. 26
Artists' Statements
Martin Creedp. 46
Grenville Daveyp. 48
Richard Deaconp. 50
Jeremy Dellerp. 52
Anya Gallacciop. 54
Vong Phaophanitp. 56
Jane and Louise Wilsonp. 58
Tomorrow Never Knowsp. 60
Growing Up in Public: The Turner Prize and the Media 1984-2006p. 74
Art School Education and the Turner Prizep. 86
Shortlisted Artists and Selecting Jurorsp. 100
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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