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Twenty Lessons in Environmental Sociology

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2020-07-24
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Twenty Lessons in Environmental Sociology introduces undergraduates to the topic in an innovative way. Instead of compiling articles from professional journals, this reader presents twenty classroom-tested "lessons" from dedicated, experienced teachers and researchers in the field. Building the collection on the model of a successful undergraduate classroom experience, the coeditors asked the contributors to choose a topic, match it with their favorite lecture, and construct a lesson to reflect the way that they teach it in the classroom. The result is an engaging and versatile volume that presents the core ideas of environmental sociology in concise, accessible chapters.

An Instructor's Manual, available to all adopters, contains Discussion Questions, Suggested Media, and Additional Readings for each lesson.

Author Biography

Kenneth A. Gould is Professor of Sociology at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, and Professor of Sociology, and Earth and Environmental Sciences at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Tammy L. Lewis is Professor of Sociology at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, and Professor of Sociology, and Earth and Environmental Sciences at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Gould and Lewis are coauthors of Ten Lessons in Introductory Sociology, Second Edition (OUP, 2017) and Thirty Readings in Introductory Sociology, Second Edition (OUP, 2016).

Table of Contents

Annotated Table of Contents
About the Contributors

An Introduction to Environmental Sociology, Kenneth A. Gould and Tammy L. Lewis

Part 1. Theory

Lesson 1: The Social Construction of Nature: Of Computers, Butterflies, Dogs, and Trucks, Stella M. Capek
Lesson 2: Theories in Environmental Sociology, Justin Myers

Part 2. Systemic Causes of Environmental Disruption

Lesson 3: The State and Policy: Imperialism, Exclusion, and Ecological Violence as State Policy, David Naguib Pellow
Lesson 4: Labor Productivity and the Environment, Allan Schnaiberg and Kenneth A. Gould
Lesson 5: Corporate Power: The Role of the Global Media in Shaping What We Know About the Environment, Elizabeth H. Campbell
Lesson 6: The Science of Nature and the Nature of Science, Richard York
Lesson 7: Technological Change and the Environment, Kenneth A. Gould
Lesson 8: Population, Demography, and the Environment, Diane C. Bates
Lesson 9: Energy, Society, and the Environment, Shannon Elizabeth Bell

Part 3. Some Social Consequences of Environmental Disruption

Lesson 10: Environmental Inequality and Environmental Justice, Michael Mascarenhas
Lesson 11: The Sociology of Environmental Health, Norah Mackendrick
Lesson 12: Producing and Consuming Food: Justice and Sustainability in a Globalized World?, Jason Konefal and Maki Hatanaka
Lesson 13: From Farms to Factories: The Social and Environmental Consequences of Industrial Swine Production in North Carolina, Adam Driscoll and Bob Edwards
Lesson 14: Understanding Disaster Vulnerability: Floods and Hurricanes, Nicole Youngman
Lesson 15: The Sociology of Climate Change, Laura McKinney

Part 4. Some Social Responses to Environmental Disruption

Lesson 16: Normalizing the Unthinkable: Climate Denial and Everyday Life, Kari Marie Norgaard
Lesson 17: Labor and the Environment, Brian K. Obach
Lesson 18: U.S. Environmental Movements, Jill Lindsey Harrison
Lesson 19: Environmental Movements in the Global South, Tammy L. Lewis
Lesson 20: The Paradoxes of Sustainable Development: Focus on Ecotourism, Kenneth A. Gould and Tammy L. Lewis

Conclusion: Unanswered Questions and the Future of Environmental Sociology, Kenneth A. Gould and Tammy L. Lewis


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