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Understanding Cryptography

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2010-02-03
  • Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York Inc

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Cryptography is now ubiquitous ' moving beyond the traditional environments, such as government communications and banking systems, we see cryptographic techniques realized in Web browsers, e-mail programs, cell phones, manufacturing systems, embedded software, smart buildings, cars, and even medical implants. Today's designers need a comprehensive understanding of applied cryptography.After an introduction to cryptography and data security, the authors explain the main techniques in modern cryptography, with chapters addressing stream ciphers, the Data Encryption Standard (DES), the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), block ciphers, public-key cryptography, the RSA cryptosystem, public-key cryptosystems based on the discrete logarithm problem, elliptic-curve cryptosystems, digital signatures, hash functions, Message Authentication Codes (MACs), and methods for key establishment, including certificates and public-key infrastructure (PKI). Throughout the book, the authors focus on communicating the essentials and keeping the mathematics to a minimum, and they move quickly from explaining the foundations to describing practical implementations, including recent topics such as lightweight ciphers for RFIDs and mobile devices.The authors have considerable experience teaching applied cryptography to engineering and computer science students and to design professionals, and they make extensive use of boxed definitions, examples, problems, and chapter reviews, while the book's website offers slides, projects and links to further resources. This is a suitable textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses and also for self-study by engineers.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Cryptography and Data Securityp. 1
Overview of Cryptography (and This Book)p. 2
Symmetric Cryptographyp. 4
Basicsp. 4
Simple Symmetric Encryption: The Substitution Cipherp. 6
Cryptanalysisp. 9
General Thoughts on Breaking Cryptosystemsp. 9
How Many Key Bits Are Enough?p. 11
Modular Arithmetic and More Historical Ciphersp. 13
Modular Arithmeticp. 13
Integer Ringsp. 16
Shift Cipher (or Caesar Cipher)p. 18
Affine Cipherp. 19
Discussion and Further Readingp. 20
Lessons Learnedp. 22
Problemsp. 24
Stream Ciphersp. 29
Introductionp. 30
Stream Ciphers vs. Block Ciphersp. 30
Encryption and Decryption with Stream Ciphersp. 31
Random Numbers and an Unbreakable Stream Cipherp. 34
Random Number Generatorsp. 34
The One-Time Padp. 36
Towards Practical Stream Ciphersp. 38
Shift Register-Based Stream Ciphersp. 41
Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR)p. 41
Known-Plaintext Attack Against Single LFSRsp. 45
Triviump. 46
Discussion and Further Readingp. 49
Lessons Learnedp. 50
Problemsp. 52
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Alternativesp. 55
Introduction to DESp. 56
Confusion and Diffusionp. 57
Overview of the DES Algorithmp. 58
Internal Structure of DESp. 61
Initial and Final Permutationp. 61
The â-Functionp. 62
Key Schedulep. 67
Decryptionp. 69
Security of DESp. 72
Exhaustive Key Searchp. 73
Analytical Attacksp. 75
Implementation in Software and Hardwarep. 75
DES Alternativesp. 77
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and the AES Finalist Ciphersp. 77
Triple DES (3DES) and DESXp. 78
Lightweight Cipher PRESENTp. 78
Discussion and Further Readingp. 81
Lessons Learnedp. 82
Problemsp. 83
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)p. 87
Introductionp. 88
Overview of the AES Algorithmp. 89
Some Mathematics: A Brief Introduction to Galois Fieldsp. 90
Existence of Finite Fieldsp. 90
Prime Fieldsp. 93
Extension Fields GF(2m)p. 94
Addition and Subtraction in GF(2m)p. 95
Multiplication in GF{2m)p. 96
Inversion in GF(2m)p. 98
Internal Structure of AESp. 99
Byte Substitution Layerp. 101
Diffusion Layerp. 103
Key Addition Layerp. 106
Key Schedulep. 106
Decryptionp. 110
Implementation in Software and Hardwarep. 115
Discussion and Further Readingp. 116
Lessons Learnedp. 117
Problemsp. 118
More About Block Ciphersp. 123
Encryption with Block Ciphers: Modes of Operationp. 124
Electronic Codebook Mode (ECB)p. 124
Cipher Block Chaining Mode (CBC)p. 128
Output Feedback Mode (ORB)p. 130
Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)p. 131
Counter Mode (CTR)p. 132
Galois Counter Mode (GCM)p. 134
Exhaustive Key Search Revisitedp. 136
Increasing the Security of Block Ciphersp. 137
Double Encryption and Meet-in-the-Middle Attackp. 138
Triple Encryptionp. 140
Key Whiteningp. 141
Discussion and Further Readingp. 143
Lessons Learnedp. 144
Problemsp. 145
Introduction to Public-Key Cryptographyp. 149
Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Cryptographyp. 150
Practical Aspects of Public-Key Cryptographyp. 153
Security Mechanismsp. 154
The Remaining Problem: Authenticity of Public Keysp. 154
Important Public-Key Algorithmsp. 155
Key Lengths and Security Levelsp. 156
Essential Number Theory for Public-Key Algorithmsp. 157
Euclidean Algorithmp. 157
Extended Euclidean Algorithmp. 160
Euler's Phi Functionp. 164
Fermat's Little Theorem and Euler's Theoremp. 166
Discussion and Further Readingp. 168
Lessons Learnedp. 169
Problemsp. 170
The RSA Cryptosystemp. 173
Introductionp. 174
Encryption and Decryptionp. 174
Key Generation and Proof of Correctnessp. 175
Encryption and Decryption: Fast Exponentiationp. 179
Speed-up Techniques for RSAp. 183
Fast Encryption with Short Public Exponentsp. 183
Fast Decryption with the Chinese Remainder Theoremp. 184
Finding Large Primesp. 187
How Common Are Primes?p. 187
Primality Testsp. 188
RSA in Practice: Paddingp. 192
Attacksp. 194
Implementation in Software and Hardwarep. 197
Discussion and Further Readingp. 198
Lessons Learnedp. 199
Problemsp. 200
Public-Key Cryptosystems Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problemp. 205
Difne-Hellman Key Exchangep. 206
Some Algebrap. 208
Groupsp. 208
Cyclic Groupsp. 210
Subgroupsp. 214
The Discrete Logarithm Problemp. 216
The Discrete Logarithm Problem in Prime Fieldsp. 216
The Generalized Discrete Logarithm Problemp. 218
Attacks Against the Discrete Logarithm Problemp. 219
Security of the Difne-Hellman Key Exchangep. 225
The Elgamal Encryption Schemep. 226
From Difne-Hellman Key Exhange to Elgamal Encryptionp. 226
The Elgamal Protocolp. 227
Computational Aspectsp. 229
Securityp. 230
Discussion and Further Readingp. 232
Lessons Learnedp. 233
Problemsp. 234
Elliptic Curve Cryptosystemsp. 239
How to Compute with Elliptic Curvesp. 239
Definition of Elliptic Curvesp. 240
Group Operations on Elliptic Curvesp. 242
Building a Discrete Logarithm Problem with Elliptic Curvesp. 245
Difne-Hellman Key Exchange with Elliptic Curvesp. 249
Securityp. 251
Implementation in Software and Hardwarep. 252
Discussion and Further Readingp. 253
Lessons Learnedp. 255
Digital Signaturesp. 259
Introductionp. 260
Odd Colors for Cars, or: Why Symmetric Cryptography Is Not Sufficientp. 260
Principles of Digital Signaturesp. 261
Security Servicesp. 263
The RSA Signature Schemep. 264
Schoolbook RSA Digital Signaturep. 265
Computational Aspectsp. 267
Securityp. 267
The Elgamal Digital Signature Schemep. 270
Schoolbook Elgamal Digital Signaturep. 270
Computational Aspectsp. 273
Securityp. 274
The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)p. 277
The DSA Algorithmp. 277
Computational Aspectsp. 280
Securityp. 281
The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)p. 282
The ECDSA Algorithmp. 282
Computational Aspectsp. 285
Securityp. 286
Discussion and Further Readingp. 287
Lessons Learnedp. 288
Problemsp. 289
Hash Functionsp. 293
Motivation: Signing Long Messagesp. 294
Security Requirements of Hash Functionsp. 296
Preimage Resistance or One-Waynessp. 297
Second Preimage Resistance or Weak Collision Resistancep. 297
Collision Resistance and the Birthday Attackp. 299
Overview of Hash Algorithmsp. 303
Dedicated Hash Functions: The MD4 Familyp. 304
Hash Functions from Block Ciphersp. 305
The Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-1p. 307
Preprocessingp. 308
Hash Computationp. 309
Implementationp. 312
Discussion and Further Readingp. 312
Lessons Learnedp. 313
Problemsp. 315
Message Authentication Codes (MACs)p. 319
Principles of Message Authentication Codesp. 320
MACs from Hash Functions: HMACp. 321
MACs from Block Ciphers: CBC-MACp. 325
Galois Counter Message Authentication Code (GMAC)p. 327
Discussion and Further Readingp. 327
Lessons Learnedp. 328
Problemsp. 329
Key Establishmentp. 331
Introductionp. 332
Some Terminologyp. 332
Key Freshness and Key Derivationp. 332
The n2 Key Distribution Problemp. 334
Key Establishment Using Symmetric-Key Techniquesp. 336
Key Establishment with a Key Distribution Centerp. 336
Kerberosp. 339
Remaining Problems with Symmetric-Key Distributionp. 341
Key Establishment Using Asymmetric Techniquesp. 342
Man-in-the-Middle Attackp. 342
Certificatesp. 344
Public-Key Infrastructures (PKI) and CAsp. 347
Discussion and Further Readingp. 351
Lssons Learnedp. 352
Problemsp. 353
Referencesp. 359
Indexp. 367
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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