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Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 5th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2014-12-29
  • Publisher: Pearson
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Making Sense of Pharmacology
Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals
provides a well-organized, easy-to-understand introduction to the world of drugs and pharmaceuticals. The Fifth Edition is structured into three broad, clear units that divide the vast subject of pharmacology into an approachable guide for students and experienced health professionals. Today’s most up-to-date drug information is enhanced with beautiful illustrations and photographs that allow students to delve into the visual world of pharmacology while deeply engaging with the text. A comprehensive drug reference glossary as well as a set of thorough appendices supplements the text to further simplify the extensive array of drug information available.

Impeccably organized and enjoyable to read, Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals makes a broad and difficult subject matter both graspable and interesting for both students and practicing health professionals.

Author Biography

Susan M. Turley is an experienced community college instructor, having taught introduction to pharmacology courses for pharmacy technician, medical assisting, and respiratory therapy students, as well as teaching medical terminology and medical transcription courses for many years. She is the author of Medical Language, Third Edition, which dominates the market. She is a current member of the Pharmacy Technician Educators Council (PTEC) and an avid reader of “Pharmacy Times” journal to stay current on pharmacy trends and new drugs. Her clinical background is extensive and broad, having worked in acute care hospitals, physicians’ offices, managed care, and long-term care. She has held clinical positions in quality management, auditing, and infection control. Her writing is well known for its accuracy and clarity in presenting technically difficult material and for a special blend that includes humor and interesting anecdotes to stimulate learning and keep students engaged. She holds a Master of Arts degree in adult education, a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing, and national certification in the fields of both health information management and medical transcription.

Table of Contents

UNIT 1 Introduction to Pharmacology: Understanding the Past History, Present Uses, and Future of Drugs
1. Introduction to Pharmacology and the History of Drugs
2. Drug Design, Testing, Manufacturing, and Marketing
3. Drug Forms
4. Routes of Administration and the Drug Cycle
5. Using Drugs Therapeutically
6. The Prescription

UNIT 2 Understanding Drugs and Drug Categories by Body Systems
7. Urinary Drugs
8. Gastrointestinal Drugs
9. Musculoskeletal Drugs
10. Respiratory Drugs
11. Cardiovascular Drugs
12. Hematologic Drugs
13. Gynecologic and Obstetric Drugs
14. Endocrine Drugs
15. Neurologic Drugs
16. Psychiatric Drugs
17. Dermatologic Drugs
18. Ophthalmic Drugs
19. Ears, Nose, and Throat Drugs

UNIT 3 Understanding Other Drugs and Drug Categories
20. Analgesic Drugs
21. Anti-Infective Drugs
22. Chemotherapy Drugs
23. Vaccines
24. Anesthetic Drugs
25. Emergency Drugs, Intravenous Fluids, and Blood Products

Appendix A
Top 50 Prescription Drugs 2010-2013
Top 50 Prescription Drugs by Sales
Top 50 Prescription Drugs by Number of Prescriptions
Appendix B Glossary of Key Words with Definitions
Appendix C Glossary of Abbreviations, Short Forms, Symbols, and Their Meanings
Appendix D Sound-Alike Drug Names
Appendix E ISMP List of Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols, and Dose Designations
Appendix F Drugs Recently Taken Off the Market
Appendix G Endings Common to Generic Drug Names and their Drug Categories

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