Chapter 15: Reconstruction and the New South
The Problems of Peacemaking
Radical Reconstruction
The South in Reconstruction
The Grant Administration
The Abandonment of Reconstruction
The New South
Debating the Past: Reconstruction
Consider the Source: Southern Blacks Ask for Help
Chapter 16: The Conquest of the Far West
The Societies of the Far West
The Changing Western Economy
The Romance of the West
The Dispersal of the Tribes
The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer
Debating the Past: The Frontier and the West
Consider the Source: Walter Baron von Richthofen, Cattle Raising on the Plains in North America
Chapter 17: Industrial Supremacy
Sources of Industrial Growth
Capitalism and Its Critics
The Ordeal of the Worker
Patterns of Popular Culture: The Novels of Horatio Alger
Consider the Source: Andrew Carnegie Explains the Gospel of Wealth, 1889
Chapter 18: The Age of the City
The New Urban Growth
The Urban Landscape
Strains of Urban Life
The Rise of Mass Consumption
Leisure in the Consumer Society
High Culture in the Urban Age
America in the World: Global Migrations
Consider the Source: John Wanamaker, The Four Cardinal Points of the Department Store, 1911
Chapter 19: From Crisis to Empire
The Politics of Equilibrium
The Agrarian Revolt
The Crisis of the 1890s
Stirrings of Imperialism
War with Spain
The Republic as Empire
Debating the Past: Populism
America in the World: Imperialism
Consider the Source: Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist League
Chapter 20: The Progressives
The Progressive Impulse
Women and Reform
The Assault on the Parties
Sources of Progressive Reform
Crusades for Order and Reform
Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency
The Troubled Succession
Woodrow Wilson and the New Freedom
Debating the Past: Progressivism
America in the World: Social Democracy
Consider the Source: Katherine Philips Edson Boasts of Women’s Influence on State Legislation, 1913
Chapter 21: America and the Great War
The "Big Stick": America and the World, 1901-1917
The Road to War
"War Without Stint"
The Search for a New World Order
A Society in Turmoil
Patterns of Popular Culture: Billy Sunday and Modern Revivalism
Consider the Source: George M. Cohan, “Over There,” 1918
Chapter 22: The New Era
The New Economy
The New Culture
A Conflict of Cultures
Republican Government
America in the World: The Cinema
Consider the Source: Black Swan Records Advertisement in the Newspaper Crisis, 1922
Chapter 23: The Great Depression
The Coming of the Depression
The American People in Hard Times
The Depression and American Culture
The Ordeal of Herbert Hoover
Debating the Past: Causes of the Great Depression
America in the World: The Global Depression
Consider the Source: Mr. Tarver Remembers the Great Depression in a 1940 Interview with the Federal Writers Project
Chapter 24: The New Deal
Launching the New Deal
The New Deal in Transition
The New Deal in Disarray
Limits and Legacies of the New Deal
Debating the Past: The New Deal
Patterns of Popular Culture: The Golden Age of Comic Books
Consider the Source: Franklin D. Roosevelt Speaks on the Reorganization of the Judiciary, 1937
Chapter 25: The Global Crisis, 1921-1941
The Diplomacy of the New Era
Isolationism and Internationalism
From Neutrality to Intervention
Debating the Past: The Question of Pearl Harbor
America in the World: The Sino-Japanese War, 1931-1941
Consider the Source: Joint Statement by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, 1941
Chapter 26: America in a World at War
War on Two Fronts
The American Economy in Wartime
Race and Gender in Wartime America
Anxiety and Affluence in Wartime Culture
The Defeat of the Axis
Debating the Past: The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb
Consider the Source: Marjorie Haselton Writes Her Husband Richard in China, 1945
Chapter 27: The Cold War
Origins of the Cold War
The Collapse of the Peace
America After the War
The Korean War
The Crusade Against Subversion
Debating the Past: The Cold War
Debating the Past: McCarthyism
Consider the Source: National Security Council Paper No. 68 (NSC-68) Arms America, 1950
Chapter 28: The Affluent Society
The Economic "Miracle"
The Explosion of Science and Technology
People of Plenty
The Other Americas
The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement
Eisenhower Republicanism
Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War
Patterns of Popular Culture: Lucy and Desi
Consider the Source: Eisenhower Warns of the Military Industrial Complex in His Farewell Address, 1961
Chapter 29: Civil Rights, Vietnam, and The Ordeal of Liberalism
Expanding the Liberal State
The Battle for Racial Equality
"Flexible Response" and the Cold War
The Agony of Vietnam
The Traumas of 1968
Debating the Past: The Civil Rights Movement
Debating the Past: The Vietnam Commitment
America in the World: 1968
Consider the Source: Martin Luther King, Jr., “I Have a Dream”
Chapter 30: The Crisis of Authority
The Youth Culture
The Mobilization of Minorities
The New Feminism
Environmentalism in a Turbulent Society
Nixon, Kissinger, and the War
Nixon, Kissinger, and the World
Politics and Economics in the Nixon Years
The Watergate Crisis
Debating the Past: Watergate
America in the World: The End of Colonialism
Consider the Source: Demands of the New York High School Student Union, 1970
Chapter 31: From the "Age of Limits" to the Age of Reagan
Politics and Diplomacy After Watergate
The Rise of the New Conservative Movement
The "Reagan Revolution"
America and the Waning of the Cold War
Patterns of Popular Culture: The Mall
Consider the Source: James Watt, “Despite Critics, Interior Dept. Makes Rapid Progress,” Human Events, 1982
Chapter 32: The Age of Globalization
The Resurgence of Partisanship
The Economic Boom
Science and Technology in the New Economy
A Changing Society
A Contested Culture
The Perils of Globalization
America in the World: The Global Environmental Movement