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User Experience Design An Introduction to Creating Interactive Digital Spaces

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2023-07-18
  • Publisher: Laurence King Publishing

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Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


We all engage with digital user experience design and user interfaces every day - if you are reading this on an e-commerce platform then you are doing it right now. This is an invaluable introduction for designers and creatives on how to create successful digital environments for users.
The discipline of graphic design is increasingly carried out in the virtual sphere, with a greater emphasis on user interaction and user experience than ever before. This book takes students through the crucial stages and skills that are needed for creating successful interactive digital environments, including:
Data collection
User analysis
Creating valid content
Design for different devices and platforms
Prototyping and visualization
Visual examples range from screen shots to diagrams and physical prototypes, while case studies featuring digital agencies and creatives from around the world show how they approach each project.

Author Biography

Mark Wells is a Senior Lecturer at University of Brighton. He specializes in interactive design.

Supplemental Materials

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