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Using Educational Psychology in Teaching

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 11th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2019-01-01
  • Publisher: Pearson
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A case-based, balanced, and applied approach to educational psychology
Using Educational Psychology in Teaching, 11th Edition, helps readers learn to apply educational psychology theories and research to their own classroom practice. This book teaches using an integrated-case approach — every chapter begins with a true-life classroom case study. The case is then woven throughout the chapter, highlighting practical ways the chapter content can be applied in real classrooms. Additional examples expand on the chapter content and provide concrete teaching strategies and suggestions for classroom practice. Updated to reflect the most current research and trends in K-12 classrooms, the 11th Edition introduces readers to the field of educational psychology in a comprehensive and approachable manner.

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Author Biography

Paul Eggen has worked in higher education for nearly 40 years. He is a consultant for public schools and colleges in his university area and has provided support to teachers in 12 states. Paul has also worked with teachers in international schools in 23 countries in Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, Central America, South America and Europe. He has published several articles in national journals, is the co-author of six other books, and presents regularly at national and international conferences. Paul is strongly committed to public education. His wife is a middle school teacher in a public school, and his two children are graduates of public schools and universities.

Don Kauchak has taught and worked in schools and in higher education in nine states for over 40 years. He has published in a number of scholarly journals, including the Journal of Educational Research, Journal of Experimental Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Teaching and Teacher Education, Phi Delta Kappa, and Educational Leadership. In addition to this text, he has co-authored or co-edited six other books on education. He has also been a principal investigator on federal and state grants examining teacher development and evaluation practices, and presents regularly at the American Educational Research Association. He currently volunteer-tutors first, second, and third graders in a local elementary school. These students have taught him a lot about educational psychology.

Table of Contents

  1. Educational Psychology: Understanding Learning and Teaching
  2. Cognitive and Language Development
  3. Personal, Socio-Emotional, and Moral Development
  4. Learner Diversity
  5. Learners with Exceptionalities
  6. Behaviorism and Social Cognitive Theory
  7. Cognitive Views of Learning
  8. Complex Cognitive Processes
  9. Knowledge Construction and Learning Sciences
  10. Motivation and Learning
  11. A Classroom Model for Promoting Student Motivation
  12. Classroom Management: Developing Self-Regulated Learners Learning and Effective Teaching
  13. Increased Learning with Assessment
  14. Standardized Testing and Learning
Appendix: Using Educational Psychology (11th Edition), to Prepare for the Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching Exam

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