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Volcano Atlas An Epic Journey Around the World's Most Incredible Volcanoes

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2024-09-24
  • Publisher: words & pictures

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Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


Join us on a fiery tour of volcanoes around the world! Each ferocious volcano is brought to life with fact files and labelled diagrams.

In this follow-up to Space Atlas, Ocean Atlas, Dinosaur Atlas, and Endangered Animals Atlas, readers will be taken on a journey around the globe and across the oceans, discovering the most spectacular, historic, and unusual volcanoes and volcanic regions in the world.

Marvel at the eruption of Vesuvius that buried Pompeii, the lake of lava found at Erta Ale, the 450 volcanoes located in the Ring of Fire, and the hidden power of the Yellowstone supervolcano, quietly waiting to erupt.

On this Amazing Adventure, readers will discover how volcanoes are formed, the most significant volcanic eruptions of the past, and the potentially destructive eruptions of the future.

So maybe you’ve wondered:

• How are volcanoes formed?
• What different types of volcanoes are there?
• What is the most destructive eruption that has ever happened?
• What is blue lava and how is it formed?

This expansive guide to volcanoes and volcanic eruptions answers all these questions and more, as readers journey around the world and marvel at the power it holds. Make geography fun and support school learning by bringing explosive, volcanic excitement to their reading!

Author Biography

Tom Jackson is a writer specializing in science and technology for children and adults. Titles include Chilled: How Refrigeration Changed the World and Might Do So Again and Philosophy: An Illustrated History of Thought.

Table of Contents


How volcanoes form 

Types of volcanoes 

Volcanic features 

Vesuvius, Santorini, Etna, Eyjafjallajökull 

Pico del Teide, Erta Ale, Kilimanjaro 

Piton de la Fournaise, Big Ben, Erebus 

Ruapehu, Tambora, Krakatau, Pinatubo 

Fuji, Kamchatka, Mount St. Helens, Hawai'i 

Galápagos, Chimborazo 

Nevado del Ruiz, Mount Pelée, Popocatépetl 


Old volcanoes 



Supplemental Materials

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The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

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