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When Things Fall Apart : Heart Advice for Difficult Times

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Trade Book
  • Copyright: 2005-01-11
  • Publisher: Shambhala
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List Price: $6.99


There is a fundamental opportunity for happiness right within our reach, yet we usually miss it-ironically, while we are caught up in attempts to escape pain and suffering. Drawn from traditional Buddhist wisdom, Pema Chouml;drouml;n's radical and compassionate advice for what to do when things fall apart in our lives goes against the grain of our usual habits and expectations. There is only one approach to suffering that is of lasting benefit, Pema teaches, and that approach involves movingtowardpainful situations with friendliness and curiosity, relaxing into the essential groundlessness of our entire situation. It is there, in the midst of chaos, that we can discover the truth and love that are indestructible. Included in the book are: Ways to use painful emotions to cultivate wisdom, compassion, and courage Methods of communicating that lead to openness and true intimacy with others Practices for reversing negative habitual patterns Techniques for working with chaotic situations Tools for cultivating compassionate, energetic social action

Author Biography

Pema Chödrön is an American Buddhist nun in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa, the renowned Tibetan meditation master. She is resident teacher at Gampo Abbey, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, the first Tibetan monastery in North America established for Westerners. She is the author of several books including the best-selling When Things Fall Apart and The Places That Scare You.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. viii
Introductionp. ix
Intimacy with Fearp. 1
When Things Fall Apartp. 6
This Very Moment Is the Perfect Teacherp. 12
Relax As It Isp. 18
It's Never Too Latep. 25
Not Causing Harmp. 32
Hopelessness and Deathp. 38
Eight Worldly Dharmasp. 46
Six Kinds of Lonelinessp. 53
Curious about Existencep. 60
Nonaggression and the Four Marasp. 65
Growing Upp. 73
Widening the Circle of Compassionp. 78
The Love That Will Not Diep. 86
Going against the Grainp. 93
Servants of Peacep. 98
Opinionsp. 109
Secret Oral Instructionsp. 114
Three Methods for Working with Chaosp. 120
The Trick of Choicelessnessp. 127
Reversing the Wheel of Samsarap. 137
The Path Is the Goalp. 143
Bibliographyp. 147
Resourcesp. 148
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.

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