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White Water, Bears, Dry Flies And Other Ways God Speaks To Guys

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2004-09-30
  • Publisher: Franciscan Media

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Author Biography

Randall Cirner is a writer and speaker who has worked within various church renewal movements, including the Cursillo, the charismatic renewal and the covenant community movements. Randall and his wife, Therese, live in Vero Beach, Florida, and have five children and one grandchild

Table of Contents

Faster Isn't Always Betterp. 3
Get That First Nail Centeredp. 5
You Don't Need All That Stuffp. 8
Keep Your Eyes on the Horizonp. 10
For God So Loved the Worldp. 13
The Ready Positionp. 16
A Time for Refreshmentp. 19
Blessed Are the Poor in Spiritp. 21
The Perfect Treep. 23
Eight-Year-Olds Become Nine-Year-Oldsp. 25
At Your Servicep. 28
Watch Out for Those Spiritual Hot Spots!p. 30
What Will Be Left for Me?p. 33
From the Inside Outp. 36
Keep Paddling!p. 38
Are You Prepared for Death?p. 41
God's Handprintp. 44
But I Don't Deserve Itp. 46
Paid in Fullp. 49
We Have to Stand Upp. 52
Heel!p. 54
He Didn't Look "Right"p. 57
The Grass Isn't Greenerp. 60
He Gives Sight to the Blindp. 63
What Would Your Mother Say?p. 65
Think Like Your Quarryp. 68
Blowing in the Windp. 70
The Quick Pathp. 73
The Bigger They Arep. 76
A Tale of Two Friendsp. 79
You Are What You Eatp. 82
The Sucker Punchp. 86
Tongues of Firep. 88
Do You Want Leaves or Fruit?p. 91
Live in the Present Momentp. 93
Those Blankety-Blank Markersp. 96
The Cherry Thievesp. 99
Spiritual Musclesp. 102
Get the Motorboatp. 105
Read the Signs!p. 108
Lifelong Consequencesp. 111
What's in Your Attic?p. 114
Accept No Imitationsp. 117
Don't Dig Up Those Seedsp. 120
A Valentine's Day Surprisep. 122
I Want, I Need, Please Send Mep. 125
New Clothes or New Person?p. 128
Hold Your Firep. 130
God Isn't Looking for Candy Bar Wrappersp. 132
But He Irritates Mep. 135
Are You Anchored?p. 137
Under the Lilacsp. 140
Table of Contents provided by Rittenhouse. All Rights Reserved.

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