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What is included with this book?
Topic 1: Data and Variables
Topic 2: Data and Distributions
Topic 3: Drawing Conclusions from Studies
Topic 4: Random Sampling
Topic 5: Designing Experiments
Unit 2: Summarizing Data
Topic 6: Two-Way Tables
Topic 7: Displaying and Describing Distributions
Topic 8: Measures of Center
Topic 9: Measures of Speed
Topic 10: More Summary Measures and Graphs
Unit 3: Randomness in Data
Topic 11: Probability
Topic 12: Normal Distributions
Topic 13: Sampling Distributions: Proportions
Topic 14: Sampling Distributions: Means
Topic 15: Central Limit Theorem
Unit 4: Inference from Data: Principles
Topic 16: Confidence Intervals: Proportions
Topic 17: Tests of Significance: Proportions
Topic 18: More Inference Considerations
Topic 19: Confidence Intervals: Means
Topic 20: Tests of Significance: Means
Unit 5: Inference from Data: Comparisons
Topic 21: Comparing Two Proportions
Topic 22: Comparing Two Means
Topic 23: Analyzing Paired Data
Unit 6: Inferences with Categorical Data
Topic 24: Goodness-of-Fit Tests
Topic 25: Inference for Two-Way Tables
Unit 7: Relationships in Data
Topic 26: Graphical Displays of Association
Topic 27: Correlation Coefficient
Topic 28: Least Squares Regression
Topic 29: Inference for Correlation and Regression
TABLE I Random Digits.
TABLE II Standard Normal Probabilities.
TABLE III t-Distribution Critical Values.
TABLE IV Chi-Square Distribution Critical Values.
APPENDIX A Student Glossary.
APPENDIX B Sources for Studies and Datasets.
APPENDIX C List of Data Files and Applets.
Additional Content (online only):
Topic 30: Probability Rules (online only)
Topic 31: Random Variables (online only)
Topic 32: Binomial Distribution (online only)
Topic 33: Analysis of Variance (online only)
The New copy of this book will include any supplemental materials advertised. Please check the title of the book to determine if it should include any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.
The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.