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Digital Publishing with Adobe InDesign CC Moving Beyond Print to Digital

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2014-11-19
  • Publisher: Adobe Press
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List Price: $44.99


If you’re a designer or other creative professional who needs to create digital documents that will be read on multiple devices, you will be thrilled with the powerful tools in Adobe InDesign CC. Now you just need to know what to do with them. Digital Publishing with Adobe InDesign CC examines not just the “How” of using the tools, but also the “When” and “Why” of choosing among the various digital format options–ePub, PDF, HTML, tablet app, and so on. Clear explanations and plenty of full-color graphics will guide you through the potentially confusing digital publishing landscape. Written by two longtime publishing experts, the book thoroughly covers the theory and best practices for creating and using buttons, hyperlinks, video, audio, forms, animations, slideshows, and iPad interactivity to enhance and enliven your digital publications. 

You’ll learn to: 

  • Select the digital format that best fits the needs of your content and your audience 
  • Design both Reflowable and Fixed Layout ePub documents 
  • Use Liquid Layout Rules to automatically resize and reflow content to fit different-sized devices 
  • Add interactivity to create exciting PDF presentations 
  • Configure your ePub files for the best results across various reader

 “I’m really thrilled to see this second edition of Digital Publishing with Adobe InDesign. The InDesign team is always trying to push the possibilities of digital publishing whether via ePub, DPS or PDF. This book captures that excitement and helps the reader be successful in this ever-changing field.” 

Chris Kitchener, Group Product Manager, Design Segment, Adobe Systems 


Author Biography

Sandee Cohen has taught for numerous private computer graphics schools as well as New York University, Parson’s School of Design, New School University, University of Hawaii, and Cooper Union, as well as at many publishing houses and design studios all over the United States. She is the senior contributing editor to InDesign Magazine. She has also contributed to InDesign Secrets and In addition to the basics of InDesign, she teaches classes on creating interactive documents and ePubs from InDesign.

Diane Burns founded TransPacific Digital, Inc. (formerly TechArt), which provides print, web, and interactive design services. She is an Adobe® Certified Instructor and Adobe® Certified Expert in InDesign, the author of several books and articles on publishing, and a regular speaker at InDesign conferences. She teaches InDesign courses in San Francisco and for many major publishing companies. She has worked extensively with pre-release versions of Adobe products, most recently InDesign and the Digital Publishing Suite.

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