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Isotope Production and Applications in the 21st Century

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  • Copyright: 2000-09-01
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The Third International Conference on Isotopes focused on the theme of "Isotope Production and Applications in the 21st Century" and included presentations by several eminent experts in this field. The three central subjects -- Isotopes in Medicine, Industry and the Environment -- were supplemented by presentations on the latest developments in isotope production and synthesis, research into radiopharmaceuticals, applications in agriculture, analytical applications, radiocarbon dating, AMS and PET. Various views on the future directions for roducers and users of isotopes were considered at the multi-disciplinary meeting.

Table of Contents

Foreword v
Conference Organization vii
Conference Sponsors viii
Session A: Opening Plenary Session 1(14)
Prospects for the application of isotopes and radiation and the activities of the IAFA
S. Machi
The main tendencies of modern radiochemistry development and radionuclide production in Russia
B.F. Myasoedov
Session B: Isotope Facilities and Programs 15(20)
AECL's MAPLE research and isotope reactors
J.-P. Labrie
P. Girouard
A. Lee
The development and progress of radiopharmaceuticals at CIAE
H.-Y. Zhang
J.-R. Zhang
Y.-F. He
Australian replacement research reactor
H.M. Garnett
Portrait of ISAC, the new radioactive beam facility at TRIUMF
J.-M. Poutissou
Session C1: Radiochemical Synthesis---I 35(16)
Radioiodination via solid phase organic chemistry
D.H. Hunter
M. Janabi
B. Manning
X. Zhu
G. Gobbi
Design and synthesis of new neutral RE(V)O complex derived from benzamide
J. Hu
Y. He
Y. Wang
L. Xiao
Scandium-47: A replacement for CU-67 in nuclear medicine therapy with β/γ emitters
L.F. Mausner
K.L. Kolsky
V. Joshi
M.P. Sweet
G.E. Meinken
S.C. Srivastava
Synthesis of anti-CMV RPR111423 labeled with carbon-14, deuterium and tritium
B.-C. Kao
Session C2: Nuclear Analytical Applications of Radioisotopes-I 51(18)
The unavoidable use of radioisotopes at RMC
K.S. Nielsen
R.G.V. Hancock
L.G.I. Bennett
W.J. Lewis
W.S. Andrews
B.J. Lewis
H.W. Bonin
Rapid analysis of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) using high resolution gamma-ray spectrometry
M.J.M. Duke
Nuclear analytical techniques in the sugar cane agroindustry
E.A. De Nadai Fernandes
E.S.B. Ferraz
M.A. Bacchi
V.F.N. Filho
Advantages of INAA over competing chemical analysis techniques for industrial quality assurance
J. St-Pierre
G.G. Kennedy
Long range transport of heavy metals over the Great Lakes as determined by neutron activation analysis
S. Landsberger
S. R. Biegalski
F. Iskander
Session C3: Radioisotope Production 69(22)
Current status of INER's cyclotron-produced radioisotope production
W.J. Lin
L.-H. Shan
H. Hung
G. Ting
A technetium-99m generator for the 21st Century
M. Druce
P. Anderson
Production of radioisotopes in the BR2 reactor
B. Ponsard
Feasibility study on 123I produced by photonuclear reaction on xenon at electron LINAC of 200 MeV
Y.J. Pei
Q.L. Liu
Y.X. Li
W.M. Chen
B. Xu
X.F. Luo
B.G. Sun
Y.X. Wang
Sh. G. Sheng
X.H. Zhang
B.H. Cao
G.D. Wang
Radionuclide production using fast flux reactor
Ye. A. Karelin
V.N. Efimov
V.T. Filimonov
R.A. Kuznetsov
Yu.L. Revyakin
O.I. Andrew
I.Yu. Zhemkov
V.G. Bukh
V.M. Lebedev
Ye.N. Spiridonov
Session D1: Radiochemical Synthesis-II 91(14)
Preparation and quality control of 131I-MIBG
Y. Huang
Y.S. Liu
J.C. Tian
D.H. Song
The preparation of a third generation reverse transcriptase inhibitor (RTI), radioisotopically labeled with carbon-14 or tritium, or stable isotopically labeled with carbon-13 and nitrogen-15
W.T. Stolle
Jumbo column generator for 99mTC: Feasibility for utilisation of 99Mo of medium specific activity and concentration of 99mTC eluates using tandem ion-exchanger
S.K. Sarkar
G. Arjun
P. Saraswathy
N. Ramamoorthy
Carrier-free radioisotopes isolated by the gas chemistry methods
V.P. Domanov
Session D2: Nuclear Analytical Applications of Radioisotopes-II 105(16)
Uranium analysis of ores and tailings: A comparison of delayed neutron counting, natural gamma-ray spectrometry, INAA and XRF
M.J.M. Duke
C.A.J. Taylor
A. Fernando
Assay of Hg in large electrochemical cells by isotope dilution
H.C. Griffin
J.E. Martin
C. Lee
A study of air luminescence for accurate liquid scintillation counting of low-level radionuclides and the use of air luminescence for calibrating detectors to measure 222Rn
Y. Morita-Murase
Y. Homma
Photon activation analysis of trace elements in livers, kidneys, and spleens of pig fetuses
M. Fukushima
K. Kajiwara
M. Oizumi
Session D3: Separation and Applications of Stable Isotopes 121(22)
Production techniques of stable metal isotopes: Current status and future trends
D. Brown
S. Harrison
The future of stable isotopes at the U.S. Department of Energy
J.S. Carty
Urenco, ensuring a future secure stable isotope supply
C. Chater
H. Rakhorst
Enrichment of 15N by coupling three systems of ion-exchange chromatography columns
E. Maximo
J.A. Bendassolli
P.C.O. Trivelin
Stable isotopes: Applications in combinatorial chemistry
D.J. Aberhart
Session E: Industrial Applications and Radiation Safety 143(18)
Radiological safety and operational health physics of medical cyclotrons
B. Mukherjee
Isotope radiography for container inspection
J.G. An
Z.F. Wu
L.Y. Zhou
Y.S. Liu
X.C. Xiang
L.Q. Wang
H.F. Wu
Staying ahead of the gamma processing momentum
G. Ashfield
D. Merrithew
Session F1: Radiopharmaceutical Applications and Medical Imaging-I 161(12)
Synthesis and evaluation of a radioiodinated phospholipid ether analog (NM-404) for diagnostic imaging of prostate cancer
R.E. Counsell
M.A. Longino
A.N. Pinchuk
R.W.S. Skinner
S.J. Fisher
M.E. van Dort
K.J. Pienta
R.L. Wahl
Evaluation of succinylated streptavidin as the radionuclide carrier in antibody pretargeting of prostate cancer
D.S. Wilbur
D.K. Hamlin
P.M. Pathare
K.R. Buhler
R.L. Vessella
Permanent mould casting technique for the fabrication of cesium-137 brachytherapy sources
K.L.N. Rao
R.N. Varma
S.K. Saxena
C. Mathew
Session F2: Production and Applications of Isotope Tracers in Industry-I 173(18)
Method to determine the activity of pure β- emitters in closed waste package using γ-spectrometry
S. Takacs
P. Covens
G.X. Eggermont
A. Hermanne
Radioactive corrosion measurements on cladding and container materials for spent fuel elements in brines of practical importance
J. Engelhardt
A. Kupfer
C. Nehm
G. Marx
Investigation of flow pattern in an oxidation reactor in a PTA plant using radiotracers
V.N. Yelgaonkar
H.J. Pant
A.S. Pendharkar
S.V. Navada
Nuclear data requirements for the production of medical isotopes in fission reactors and particle accelerators
M.A. Garland
R.E. Schenter
R.J. Talbert
S.G. Mashnik
W.B. Wilson
Session F3: Use of Isotopes in Environmental Studies-I 191(10)
Silicon-32: Diatoms, the silicon cycle, and the climate
D.R. Phillips
R.M. Kudela
V.T. Hamilton
M.A. Brzezinski
Percutaneous absorption of deuterium labelled xenoestrogens bisphenol A and nonylphenol
M. Wahren
M. Kietzmann
M. Moder
Session G: Applications of Isotopes in Medical Imaging & Therapy 201(10)
Medical imaging applications in pre-clinical and clinical medicine
L.I. Wiebe
Session H1: Radiopharmaceutical Applications and Medical Imaging-II 211(10)
Comparison of various rhenium-188 labeled diphosphonates for the palliation of metastatic bone pain
S.-J. Wang
W.-Y. Lin
B.-T. Hsieh
G. Ting
F.F. Knapp Jr
Isotope tracer techniques in cell cultures for the study of plant drugs in relation to receptors and post-receptor signal transduction
Y.E. Hu
G.H. Fan
K. He
C.L. Fang
Z. Xia
Session H2: Production & Applications of Isotope Tracers in Industry-II 221(12)
Polonium-210 alpha-particle sources for solving of ion beam tasks
A.Z. Iliassov
S.L. Faddejev
Application of 113M In radiotracer to well logging
W.H. Sun
D.H. Song
Y. Huang
Research & development on MCA-based coal ash gauge
Z.F. Wu
X.C. Xiang
L.Q. Wang
Session H3: Use of Isotopes in Environmental Studies-II 233(18)
The role of radiotracer techniques in off-shore contaminant transport studies
P. Airey
M. Zaw
J.Y. Tu
T. Kluss
R. Szymczak
Q. He
Dynamic changes in groundwater conditions caused by tunnel excavation at Aspo HRL, Sweden-Changes in isotope hydrology
Y. Mahara
T. Igarashi
K. Miyakawa
K. Kiho
Y. Tanaka
T. Hasegawa
The identification of plasma catalytic reactions of N2O, NO, NO2 by means of labelled compounds
J.W. Leonhardt
K.P. Francke
H. Miessner
R. Rudolph
Carbon-14 activity of pore water obtained by vacuum-distillation and one-dimensional compression methods on Yucca Mountain cores
I.C. Yang
G.R. Davidson
K.M. Scofield
Session I1: Radiation Safety Aspects at Isotope Facilities 251(14)
Radiation shielding and safety of high energy particle accelerator facilities
T. Nakamura
Radiation safety considerations for ISAC, the accelerated radioactive ion beam facility at TRIUMF
L.E. Moritz
Continuous monitoring of possible fuel failure of a pool-type reactor
K.-I. Sasaki
C. Yamada
S.A. Hayashi
T. Matsuura
Session I2: Applications in Agriculture and Nutrition 265(22)
Vegetation changes during the quaternary inferred from carbon isotope analyses on charcoal and soil organic matter, state of Sao Paulo, Southeast Brazil
L.C.R. Pessenda
S.E.M. Gouveia
R. Boulet
R. Aravena
R. Scheel-Ybert
Nitrogen fixation in chickpea and groundnut genotypes as influenced by bradyrhizobial inoculant using 15N technique
M.A. Sattar
A.K. Podder
Elemental composition of commercial Brazilian coffee using neutron activation analysis
F.S. Tagliaferro
E.A.N. Fernandes
E.J. France
Kinetics of β-[14C] carotene in a human subject using accelerator mass spectrometry
S.R. Dueker
Y.M. Lin
J.R. Follett
A.J. Clifford
B.A. Buchholz
J.S. Vogel
An approach to evaluate soil organic matter as a scavenger of heavy metals using a radiotracer technique
R. Fujiyoshi
T. Kawai
M. Nakayama
H. Hirashima
S. Sawamura
Session I3: AMS and Radiocarbon Dating Techniques 287(24)
Isotopic (14C) and chemical composition of atmospheric volatile organic compound fractions-Precursors to ozone formation
G.A. Klouda
C.W. Lewis
R.A. Rasmussen
D.C. Stiles
W.D. Ellenson
J.L. Marolf
The high precision dating of Liulihe Xizhou tombs
X.-L. Zhang
S.-H. Qiu
L.-Z. Cai
A low energy table-top approach to AMS
R.B. Schubank
Carbon-14 labelling studies at ultra-high sensitivity in agricultural and horticultural research
P.B. Roberts
K. Kim
Radiocarbon dating at sites of East Java and Central Java provinces as supporting data for the temple chronology in Indonesia
B. Wasito
W. Faisal
A. Taftazani
K.T. Basuki
Session J: Poster Session 311(96)
11C-methylations using tetrabutylammonium fluoride as the base
M.J. Adam
S. Jivan
J.M. Huser
J. Lu
A unique target for PET radioisotope production with the superconducting ion cyclotron resonance accelerator
B. Mukherjee
T.L. Grimm
R.C. York
C.T. Ramsell
Yield of the 123Te(p,p')123mTe reaction at 15 MeV
V. Jakovlev
L. Solin
Regeneration of tellurium dioxide in iodine-123 production
B.K. Kudelin
E.A. Gromova
L.V. Gavrilina
L.M. Solin
Medical and ecological isotope production at the MGC-20 cyclotron
L.M. Solin
E.A. Gromova
V.A. Jakovlev
V.A. Kalinin
Ju.A. Protasenko
Distribution and inventory of 239+240Pu and 137Cs in marine sediments from the Japanese coast
M. Yamada
Y. Nagaya
Determination of 239,240Pu and 137Cs concentrations in marine organisms from the seas around Japan
T. Aono
M. Yamada
S. Hirano
Production of neptunium-235 tracer for laboratory use
J. Aaltonen
P. Dendooven
E. Gromova
V. Jakovlev
A novel boron-isotope specific resin having triethanolamine groups
A. Sonoda
Y. Makita
K. Ooi
T. Hirotsu
H. Maeda
Modeling atmospheric Pb-212 concentration
E.C.Y. Ho
D.F. Measday
Recovery of Ge-68 from target cooling water
K.L. Kolsky
D.H. Hunter
L.F. Mausner
V.T. Hamilton
D.J. Jamriska
D.R. Phillips
Xenon-127 revisited
L.F. Mausner
H. Schnakenberg
K.L. Kolsky
S.C. Srivastava
A convenient method to prepare [14C]PNU-171829, a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor
E. Fontana
A. Pignatti
F. Abrate
Synthesis of isotopically labeled 1-[(2,4-Di-1-pyrrolidinyl-9H-pyrimido[4,5-B]indol-9-yl)-acetyl)pyrrolidine monohydrochloride, PNU-142731A, an orally active antiasthma agent
J.A. Easter
Synthesis of several analogues of a new class of synthetic antibacterials, oxazolidinones, radiolabeled with carbon-14 and tritium, and stablelabeled with carbon-13 and deuterium
J.A. Easter
E.H. Chew
R.S.P. Hsi
Using natural radionuclides to trace sources of pollutants in the Mansfeld mining district, Central Germany
P.C. Schreck
K. Freyer
H.-C. Treutler
Synthesis of [14C] SDZ 267-489
G. Ciszewska
L. Jones
T. Duelfer
Evaluation of antibody biotinylation reagents for application to targeted radiotherapy
D.K. Hamlin
D.S. Wilbur
P.M. Pathare
D.S. Subramaniam
M. Corcoran
O.W. Press
Synthesis of two imidazole cytokine inhibitors labelled with carbon-14
K.T. Garnes
S.W. Landvatter
J. Sisko
L.A. Davis
J.R. Heys
J.L. Adams
A simplified method to measure GFR in pediatric patients
S. Yu
E.W. Elias
D. Ng
F. Sundram
Sn-117 and Sn-119 high enrichment assay (more than 95%) attainment using centrifugal technology
V.A. Antsoupov
V.G. Afanasiev
O.S. Andrienko
I.I. Zherin
DANDER2 for simulations of neutron activation and shielding of neutrons and activation γs in irradiation geometrics
W.B. Wilson
T.R. England
R.E. Schenter
Utilization of the sulfur (Na234SO4) applied to the soil by rice and crotalaria juncea
P.C.O. Trivelin
J.A. Bendassolli
F. Carneiro Jr.
T. Muraoka
Production of 89Sr using (n,γ) and (n,p) reactions
Yu. G. Toporov
V.T. Filimonov
R.A. Kuznetsov
O.I. Andreev
F.Z. Vakhetov
V.N. Efimov
Yu. L. Revyakin
A.S. Korol'kov
A.N. Pakhomov
A. Yu. Baranov
113Sn and 117mSn production technology
O.I. Andreyev
F.Z. Vakhetov
R.A. Kuznetsov
I.V. Tselishev
Intrinsic radiolabeling of nutrients for human nutrition studies using accelerator mass spectrometry
A.J. Clifford
S.R. Dueker
E.E. Fabbro
Y.M. Lin
N. Hong
M.W. Lame
H.J. Segall
B.A. Buchholz
J.S. Vogel
Basic trends in radionuclide production of the V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute
V.V. Fedorov
B. Ya. Galkin
V.A. Bykov
V.N. Romanovsky
L.V. Solin
M.P. Zykov
A.Z. Iliassov
B.I. Rogozev
Radioisotope production with horizontally-oriented solid targets
A. Wong
W.Z. Gelbart
N.R. Stevenson
R. Wong
Investigation of thermal-mechanical properties of solid targets for radioisotope production
R. Wong
W.Z. Gelbart
N.R. Stevenson
A. Wong
The transport of carbohydrates and cell constituents in plants using AMS detection of carbon-14 tracers
P.B. Roberts
K. Kim
Mapping of pharmaceutical degradation products in tablets using radiotracers-A study with 14C-labelled levormeloxifene
C. Foged
J.S. Valsborg
H. Olsen
P.G. Nielsen
S.R. Rasmussen
Synthesis and stability of substance P antagonists [14C] CJ-11,974-01 and [14C]CJ-11, 972-01
K.S. Zandi
S.A. Miller
K.E. McCarthy
W.W. Massefski
A. Kamel
Comparison between blood plasma models (ECCLES) for 153Sm and 166Ho complexed to diphosphonate ligands (possible radiotherapeutic bone agents) and their in vivo behaviour as studied in non-human primates
J.R. Zeevaart
N.V. Jarvis
W.K.A. Louw
J.M. Wagener
I.C. Dormehl
R.J. Milner
Session K: Applications of Isotopes in Environmental Studies 407(18)
Isotope studies on coastal environment
S.M. Rao
Assessment of erosion and accretion in catchment areas based on 210Pb and 137Cs contents in soil and sediment
P.S. Hai
P.N. Son
N.N. Dien
V.H. Tan
P.D. Hien
Origin and dynamics of soil organic matter and vegetation changes in a forest-savanna ecotone, Southern Brazilian Amazon region
L.C.R. Pessenda
R. Boulet
V. Rosolen
R. Aravena
S.E.M. Gouveia
Session L1: Production and Applications of Short-Lived Radioisotopes 425(12)
Optimisation of the single pass gas phase synthesis of 11C-methyl bromide from 11C-methane
K.R. Buckley
J.M. Huser
J. Lu
M.J. Adam
T.J. Ruth
Tumor imaging with PET using the short-lived praseodymium-140 from the 140Nd/140Pr in vivo generator
S.K. Zeisler
D.W. Becker
Studies of nitrogen absorption and assimilation in plants by use of 13N
D.T. Britto
A.D.M. Glass
H.J. Kronzucker
Session L2: Labeling Compounds and Other Applications of Tritium 437(8)
Tritium labeling for investigation of structure-function relationship in tobacco mosaic virus
E.V. Lukashina
G.A. Badun
V.M. Fedoseev
E.N. Dobrov
L.A. Baratova
Uniform tritium labeling of combinatorial libraries for affinity selection screening
B. Surber
S. Ghosh
A.-L. Grillot
J. Patel
C. Woodall
Y.W. Chen
L. Yi
I. Zanze
Y. Yao
Session L3: Novel Applications of Isotopes and Opportunities for Technology Transfer 445(18)
Contraband detection based on 13C(p,γ)14N
R. Ruegg
B.F. Milton
D. Dale
D. Bishop
B. Roberts
P.W. Schmor
J. Sredniawski
S. Melnychuk
J. Rathke
E. Kamykowski
Radio-chromatography under GPL-conditions
G. Dietzel
R. Grugel
E. Rausch
Production of tungsten-188 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
J.A. Klein
F.F. Knapp
M. Du
S. Mirzadeh
A.L. Beets
About an opportunity of application of an isotope label on the basis of stable isotopes to mark various products
A. Pokidychev
M. Pokidycheva
Session M: Closing Plenary Session: ``Isotope Production and Applications in the 21st Century'' 463(12)
``Excess'' nuclear materials hold keys to nuclear medicine, research, and space power
K.K.S. Pillay
The bulk radioisotope portfolio of the Atomic Energy Corporation of South Africa Limited-Technical and marketing developments
D.G. Robertson
P.A. Louw
P.L. van der Walt
List of Participants 475(14)
Conference Photos 489

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