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Le Rossignol Instrumental

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2004-03-30
  • Publisher: Peeters Pub & Booksellers
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List Price: $25.00


Language is made up of vibrations containing rhythms and timbers. It is through sound (and thus music) that the first effect is created: order or, on the contrary, cacophony, dislocation--the "Organized disorder studied in certain schools of avant-garde poetry. 'It's as simple as a musical phase, ' wrote Rimbaud. However, there still is a mystery to solve, a mystery, whose seductive force hides in the intangible part of meaning that emerges from two languages combined in the same product: the poem. The perspective taken here is at the same time chronological and comparative; it is also interdisciplinary to the extent of calling on experiences that, for many contributors, not only come out of knowledge, but also from creation.

Table of Contents

Jean-Pierre Bertrand
Michel Delville
Christine Pagnoulle
«Poesie, modernite, musique: l'heritage du XIXe siecle»
Jean-Pierre Bertrand
Pascal Durand
«Mots, cruches, cloches, acoustrons et ursonates, machines a ecrire et autres instruments de la musique dans la poesie quebecoise»
Francois Hebert
«Un aveuglement necessaire: Pound et le rythme»
Peter Nicholls
«Le rossignol instrumental: inflections contre-musicales de Collins a Schwitters»
Steve McCaffery
«Effet de cygnifiants: le pli et la pratique interdisciplinaire»
Karen Mac Cormack
«La lettre, le nombre et la recherche du zaum: l'heritage de Khlebnikov»
Marjorie Perloff
«La Poesie Sonore: Poesie ou Musique?»
Francis Edeline
«Bertolt Brecht et la musique»
Joachim Lucchesi
«Lucebert: jazz et poesie. L'improvisation en jazz comme modele pour l'ecriture et la lecture d'un poeme»
Gillis J. Dorleijn

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