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Stop Telling, Start Selling: How to Use Customer-Focused Dialogue to Close Sales

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1997-09-22
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
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In this revised edition of her best-seller, noted sales consultant Linda Richardson offers salespeople the tools they need to successfully use customer-focused, dialogue selling. Featuring real-world dialogue samples, helpful dos and don'ts, self-tests, checklists, and other useful tools, this guide offers insight on every aspect of face-to-face selling, from the initial introduction through the needs identification and the negotiation of terms and price to the successful close, with prime emphasis on the six critical skills necessary to the dialogue-driven sales call: presence, rapport building, questioning, listening, product positioning, and checking.

Author Biography

Linda Richardson is president of The Richardson Company in Philadelphia, a sales training firm with more than 160 clients, including Morgan Stanley, Johnson & Johnson, Aetna U.S. Healthcare, Citibank, Andersen Consulting, Tiffany & Co., Dell Computers, and Lucent Technologies. A member of the faculty of the prestigious Wharton Business School, she is the author of six books, including Selling by Phone and Sales Coaching­­Making the Great Leap from Manager to Coach.

Table of Contents

The Six Elements of the Dialogue Framework.

Dialogue Element: Opening.

Dialogue Element: Product Positioning.

Dialogue Elements: Price Positioning.

Dialogue Element: Objections.

Dialogue Element: Close/Action Step.

Dialogue Element Follow-Up.

The Six Critical Skills of the Dialogue Framework.

Dialogue Skill.

Dialogue Skill: Presence.

Dialogue Skill: Relating.

Dialogue Skill: Questioning.

Dialogue Skill: Listening.

Dialogue Skill: Product Positioning.

Dialogue Skill: Checking.

Preparing for the Sales Dialogue.

Preparing Your Sales Strategy.

Planning for the Sales Call.

Negotiating Terms and Price.

Self and Peer Coaching.

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