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Teach Like a Champion 2.0: 62 Techniques that PutStudents on the Path to College

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback w/DVD
  • Copyright: 2015-01-12
  • Publisher: Jossey-Bass
  • View Upgraded Edition

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One of the most influential teaching guides ever—updated!

Teach Like a Champion 2.0 is a complete update to the international bestseller. This teaching guide is a must-have for new and experienced teachers alike. Over 1.3 million teachers around the world already know how the techniques in this book turn educators into classroom champions. With ideas for everything from boosting academic rigor, to improving classroom management, and inspiring student engagement, you will be able to strengthen your teaching practice right away.

The first edition of Teach Like a Champion influenced thousands of educators because author Doug Lemov's teaching strategies are simple and powerful. Now, updated techniques and tools make it even easier to put students on the path to college readiness. Here are just a few of the brand new resources available in the 2.0 edition:

  • Over 70 new video clips of real teachers modeling the techniques in the classroom (note: for online access of this content, please visit
  • A selection of never before seen techniques inspired by top teachers around the world
  • Brand new structure emphasizing the most important techniques and step by step teaching guidelines
  • Updated content reflecting the latest best practices from outstanding educators

Organized by category and technique, the book’s structure enables you to read start to finish, or dip in anywhere for the specific challenge you’re seeking to address. With examples from outstanding teachers, videos, and additional, continuously updated resources at, you will soon be teaching like a champion. The classroom techniques you'll learn in this book can be adapted to suit any context. Find out why Teach Like a Champion is a "teaching Bible" for so many educators worldwide.

Author Biography

Doug Lemov trains educators at Uncommon Schools, the nonprofit school management organization he helped found, and with his team, trains educators across the United States and around the world. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Hamilton College, a Master of Arts from Indiana University, and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He is also the author, with Erica Woolway and Katie Yezzi, of Practice Perfect: 42 Rules for Getting Better at Getting Better, and, with Colleen Driggs and Erica Woolway, Reading Reconsidered: A Practical Guide to Rigorous Literacy Instruction.

Table of Contents

Video Contents ix

Foreword xxi

Acknowledgments xxv

The Author xxix

About Uncommon Schools xxxi

Introduction: The Art of Teaching and Its Tools 1

Part 1 Check for Understanding 23

1 Gathering Data on Student Mastery 27

Technique 1: Reject Self-Report 30

Technique 2: Targeted questioning 34

Technique 3: Standardize the Format 39

Technique 4: Tracking, Not Watching 45

Technique 5: Show Me 47

Technique 6: Affirmative Checking 51

Reflection and Practice 55

Useful Tools 55

2 Acting on the Data and the Culture of Error 57

Technique 7: Plan for Error 60

Technique 8: Culture of Error 64

Technique 9: Excavate Error 72

Technique 10: Own and Track 77

Reflection and Practice 79

Useful Tools 80

Part 2 Academic Ethos 83

3 Setting High Academic Expectations 87

Technique 11: No Opt Out 90

Technique 12: Right is Right 100

Technique 13: Stretch it 108

Technique 14: Format Matters 116

Technique 15: Without Apology 122

Reflection and Practice 125

Useful Tools 126

4 Planning for Success 129

Technique 16: Begin with The End 132

Technique 17: 4 Ms 137

Technique 18: Post it 140

Technique 19: Double Plan 143

Reflection and Practice 152

Useful Tools 153

5 Lesson Structure 155

Technique 20: Do Now 161

Technique 21: Name the Steps 164

Technique 22: Board = Paper 169

Technique 23: Control the Game 172

Technique 24: Circulate 183

Technique 25: At Bats 188

Technique 26: Exit Ticket 190

Reflection and Practice 194

Useful Tools 194

6 Pacing 197

Technique 27: Change the Pace 201

Technique 28: Brighten Lines 211

Technique 29: All Hands 214

Technique 30: Work the Clock 220

Technique 31: Every Minute Matters 224

Reflection and Practice 231

Useful Tools 232

Part 3 Ratio 233

7 Building Ratio Through Questioning 237

Technique 32: Wait Time 244

Technique 33: Cold Call 249

Technique 34: Call and Response 262

Technique 35: Break it Down 268

Technique 36: Pepper 274

Reflection and Practice 276

Useful Tools 276

8 Building Ratio Through Writing 279

Technique 37: Everybody Writes 282

Technique 38: Art of the Sentence 285

Technique 39: Show Call 290

Technique 40: Build Stamina 299

Technique 41: Front the Writing 303

Reflection and Practice 308

Useful Tools 309

9 Building Ratio Through Discussion 311

Technique 42: Habits of Discussion 316

Technique 43: Turn and Talk 324

Technique 44: Batch Process 336

Reflection and Practice 339

Useful Tools 339

Part 4 Five Principles of Classroom Culture 341

10 Systems and Routines 349

Technique 45: Threshold 353

Technique 46: Strong Start 356

Technique 47: Star/Slant 360

Technique 48: Engineer Efficiency 361

Technique 49: Strategic Investment: From Procedure to Routine 365

Technique 50: Do it Again 373

Reflection and Practice 377

Useful Tools 377

11 High Behavioral Expectations 381

Technique 51: Radar/Be Seen Looking 387

Technique 52: Make Compliance Visible 393

Technique 53: Least Invasive Intervention 395

Technique 54: Firm Calm Finesse 403

Technique 55: Art of the Consequence 406

Technique 56: Strong Voice 412

Technique 57: What to Do 417

Reflection and Practice 421

Useful Tools 422

12 Building Character and Trust 423

Technique 58: Positive Framing 426

Technique 59: Precise Praise 433

Technique 60: Warm/Strict 438

Technique 61: Emotional Constancy 439

Technique 62: Joy Factor 442

Reflection and Practice 446

Useful Tools 447

Conclusion 451

Notes 453

Index 455

Supplemental Materials

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The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

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